
Angels will introduce Albert Pujols, Christianity's biggest free agent

pujols-signs-with-angels.jpgHere's a rarity. Fans are invited to today's 11:30 a.m. press conference at the stadium in Anaheim where the Angels will show off the newest SoCal megastar. is also providing a live web and television feed. Yes folks, Pujols coming to Orange County is a Big Deal. (He was featured on "60 Minutes" twice this year.)

Now that the Angels have snagged Pujols, the OC Weekly highlights the next competition for his seal of approval — among the county's mega-churches. Pujols is a well-known member of a Baptist church in St. Louis, and pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church has already made a public overture via Twitter. Stay tuned.

Also: OC Weekly editor Gustavo Arellano responds to criticism from the Catholic League.

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