With essentially all power off across the region served by San Diego Gas & Electric, the most immediate problem faced by the SDPD right now is rush-hour traffic without stop lights. Responders are rolling to accidents all over the city. The outage affects about 1.4 million SDG&E customers, and extends from south Orange County to at least Tijuana, from the Pacific Ocean across the desert to Arizona. The desert from Palm Springs through Imperial County is apparently without air conditioning this afternoon. Power may not be back up until late Friday.
SDG&E tweeted this a few minutes ago: "If you have a personal family emergency plan, please activate it now."
TSA has shut off security lines at San Diego's Lindbergh Field, the city's international airport.
The problem was a power outage in the line between Arizona and Southern California. Details have not yet been released. The nuclear reactors at San Onofre shut down, as they are supposed to when the power goes out. Backup generators apparently kicked in, again routinely.
In the desert, it has been one of the hottest days of the year, apparently. So long night ahead for people out there.