Morning Buzz

Morning Buzz: Tuesday 9.6.11

Showdown today at the Board of Supes, thinking about Sacramento, a new land use website, a Downtown blog signs off, a tree falls in Echo Park and much more for a short week.

Top of the news

The Board of Supervisors meets late today because of the holiday — 1 p.m. — and it's showdown day over the redistricting maps and whether to create a new Latino district. KPCC reporter Frank Stoltze previews the debate on "The Madel;eine Brand Show at 9:40 a.m. Breeze

Politics and politicos

Gov. Brown is considering changes in his corporate tax swap plan in hopes of reaching a bipartisan deal before the Legislature adjourns for the year. PolitiCal

John Myers spent his summer vacation pondering several Sacramento questions, among them what's behind Amazon's offer to create jobs in lieu of paying sales tax, and whether Speaker John Perez will be hurt by his loss on the city of Vernon. Capitol Notes

San Diego is concerned the Chargers may return to Los Angeles, but the city's political power structure makes it hard to rally the community. LAT

La Puente looks to be the next local city to be in the headlines for troubles in its city hall and threat of going out of business. LAT

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, a Republican presidential candidate, speaks tonight to the San Fernando Valley Republican Club at Galpin Ford. DN wires

Media and media people

Politico is rethinking its "win the morning" approach to blogging because of the speed with which stories break on Twitter. Adweek

This is Jill Abramson's first day as executive editor of the New York Times. Romenesko

The Los Angeles Times is now $1 on the street, up from 75 cents.

LandUseLA is a new website that "covers development in the City of Los Angeles, with an emphasis on the entitlement requests & issues that shape each project," from land-use consultant Chris Parker. He's a former
writer and editor for the Daily News, Times and other newspapers in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties.

The community news outlet Alhambra Source ran highlights of its first year.

Downtown blog View From a Loft goes on "extended and indefinite" hiatus. VFAL


Pondering this year's 18 deaths at Yosemite National Park, as the body of a missing 69-year-old man is found. NYT

Of the 15 million Californians who commute to work, 2.7 million spend at least 45 minutes getting to their jobs, according to U.S. Census Bureau estimates. California Watch

Do you know the leaning palm tree in near the Echo Park lake? It snapped. Eastsider LA

A hungry pest called the goldspotted oak borer is devouring enormous numbers of oak trees in San Diego County and its devastation could spread to trees throughout California. LAT

Planning ahead

The Mysterious Galaxy bookstore we told you about is scheduled to open in Redondo Beach on Sept. 13. Breeze

Renee Montagne, Los Angeles-based co-host of NPR’s "Morning Edition," will interview NPR correspondent Steve Inskeep at Live Talks Los Angeles on October 24th at Track 16 at Bergamot Station. Info

More by Kevin Roderick:
Gustavo Arellano, many others join LA Times staff
Power out Monday across Malibu
Put Jamal Khashoggi Square outside the Saudi consulate on Sawtelle
Here's who the LA Times has newly hired*
LA Observed Notes: Clippers hire big-time writer, unfunny Emmys, editor memo at the Times and more
Recent Morning Buzz stories on LA Observed:
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A couple of links from a couple of places
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