There will be a new army of virgin journalists being spun by the national campaign machines between now and the presidential election in November 2012. The ABC News Senior White House Correspondent gives them some real world tips in a blog post, including advice to befriend the people with cameras and credit other media sources generously. Some highlights:
No. 13 - Do not rely upon the hotel wake-up call. And don't forget time zones.No. 8 - Even the people who you like and trust on the campaign will lie to you.
No 7 - Be the reporter challenging false claim by candidate. + if you’re not, be the one who follows up.
No 6 - If you make it to South Carolina without being yelled at by the campaign you’re not doing your job.
No 5 - Keep your eyes peeled. I met my future wife at the Chequers Pub at the Hotel Fort Des Moines.