Since nothing else is getting done in Sacramento, they may as well as fill some openings. The Angelenos on today's list are after the jump:
Joseph Lyou, 50, of Hawthorne, re-appointed to the South Coast Air Quality Management District. He's been on the board since 2007 and is also president and chief executive officer for the Coalition for Clean Air.Richard Maullin, 70, of Santa Monica, appointed to the California Independent System Operator Board of Governors. Maullin, former chair of the state energy commission, was co-chairman for Brown’s presidential campaign in 1980 and associate campaign manager for his first gubernatorial campaign in 1974.
Karen Pines, 70, of Los Angeles, appointed to the Board of Behavioral Sciences. Pines previously served as chair of the board from 2001 to 2005.
Paul Junger Witt, 70, of Los Angeles, re-appointed to the State Park and Recreation Commission. He has served on the commission since 1999.
Elva Yanez, 57, of Los Angeles, appointed to the State Park and Recreation Commission.