LA Times cites GOP cheerleader as reporter

malcolm-byline-lat.jpgThe L.A. Times website this morning has been featuring a blog post by Andrew Malcolm trumpeting that, based on a new Gallup Poll, Republicans are "poised to reap historic gains in the House of Representatives." Gallup doesn't talk about historic Republican gains, that spin is coming from Malcolm. That he gets a home page byline as a reporter, not as a columnist or opinion blogger, is interesting in that Malcolm's chosen career profile these days is Republican cheerleader on staff at the Times and freelance in various other media. Interesting, but I guess not surprising: his former weekend relief on the GOP beat at LAT blog Top of the Ticket, ex-Bush White House aide Jimmy Orr, is now deputy editor of the entire Times website.

Previously on LA Observed:
LAT hires its #2 Republican blogger for bigger role *
Why does the LAT employ an anti-Obama blogger anyway?

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