LA Observed archive
for December 2009
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The City Council member from down San Pedro way will be employing a bunch of Democratic consultants, starting with Garry South.

A controversy over plagiarism by unpaid political columnists has led The Signal to suspend the use of local columnists while it figures out a better way.

Evidence is mostly anecdotal, but the Times leads the paper with the story anyway.
Baron Davis sinks the winner at the buzzer. 92-90. Think the fans made some noise out on Figueroa tonight?...
Harvey Levin is already staffing up for TMZ Sports, says Brian Stelter in the New York Times. TMZ’s specialty is unvarnished celebrity coverage. And because Mr. Levin sees a lot...

The L.A.. Times ran another investigative collaboration with ProPublica on lax enforcement that lets problem nurses keep working. There's a pretty good summation of how 92 digital billboard came...
In past years, this is about when I'd start rolling out posts looking back at the events of the previous twelve months. My KCRW commentary on Christmas Day talked about...

The White House just announced that Andre Birotte Jr, the inspector general of the Los Angeles Police Department, has been nominated by President Barack Obama to be the U.S. Attorney...
Emmet Rensin, a sophomore at the University of Chicago when he's not in Tarzana, will guest on KPCC's "Patt Morrison" at 1:30 p.m. to talk about "Twitterature: The World's Greatest...

A segment of "60 Minutes' on CBS will focus on the California water situation, with reporter Lesley Stahl talking to Governor Schwarzenegger, farmers and others. It's scheduled to air Sunday,...
The racketeering prosecution of supermarket magnate George Torres quietly ended with a guilty plea to a single tax count, after which Torres went free with credit for time served....

Mayor Villaraigosa hit on a way to resolve things at the troubled Department of Building and Safety. He is moving Robert "Bud" Ovrom, his deputy mayor of Economic Development, to...
Sue Doyle covered transportation until moving this year to the police beat after the Daily News lost its cops reporter. She's moving on, reportedly to freelance. The newsroom note this...
Holiday week posting will be on the light side. The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation announced a grant of $200,000 to The Huffington Post Investigative Fund, which has...
Dan Morain landed as communications director for the Consumer Attorneys of California in February after 27 years at the Los Angeles Times, the last chunk of that in the Sacramento...

Richard Rushfield, hired away from the L.A. Times just last July to be west coast editor for Gawker, is leaving for an entertainment start-up, says Dylan Stableford at The Wrap....

Not too many shrinking media outlets have the chutzpah to hire a few days after laying off people, but the new Los Angeles Times isn't shy about announcing its changing...
You can now download an "on this day in L.A. history" calendar feature for the iPhone, from the Studio for Southern California History....
The public forum's website culls favorites from among the books reviewed during the year, including UCLA prof Kal Raustiala's "Does the Constitution Follow the Flag?" Also, after doing 124 interviews...
This is a holiday week around LAO, so expect light posting. Here's a slimmed down Morning Buzz. An L.A. Times editorial urged Controller Wendy Greuel to appeal the ruling that...
ESPN's new Los Angeles website does have, as rumored, columnist J.A. Adande, plus former Daily News sports staffers Tony Jackson and Ramona Shelburne, Steve Mason and John Ireland from ESPN...

LAPD chief Charlie Beck reiterated that he will keep Special Order 40, which instructs officers not to question people solely to ascertain their immigration status. Don Novey, the political...

Today is departure day for some of the Los Angeles Times staffers who were laid off this week or who retired and/or took buyouts. Arts reporter Suzanne Muchnic sent a...
The first story to benefit from collaboration with Spot.us Los Angeles is a report by the Garment & Citizen downtown that seems aimed at getting country clubs on the Westside...
The first (I think) teaser is out for "The Runaways," billed as the story of the 1970s rock band that featured Joan Jett and Cherie Currie, among others, and...
Getting rid of teachers who don't work out, the city's plans for Owens Lake and just how much Supervisor Molina meddled in the building of the Gold Line — plus...

A federal judge in Chicago today ruled that key parts a lawsuit by current and former Los Angeles Times employees can proceed against Tribune Company chairman Sam Zell and the...
Whitman leads the Republicans, SAG nominations, fear of the drinking water and what to do about the bar at the LAPD academy — plus much more after the jump....
The home on Woodrow Wilson Drive designed by Raphael Soriano — and built for Shulman — is listed at $2.495 million vacant. It includes an extensively wooded yard, including redwood...
Confirmations are coming in on Los Angeles Times newsroom staffers who were laid off in yesterday's new wave of staff cuts, or who are taking buyouts to get the heck...
Yeah, Metro CEO Art Leahy changed course and approved running free all-night service on the Metro Orange Line this New Year’s Eve — after the Daily News reported that the...

More than 780,000 online votes were cast for the best in 50 web and social media categories. The New York Times won for best online newspaper. List...

A lot of people still read newspapers, HuffPost's Antonio for Senate rumor called silly, and pot come backs to the City Council — more after the jump....
The books-and-social-networking site Goodreads announced last week it has picked up $2 million in venture capital funding — its second round. Founder Otis Chandler, grandson of the former L.A. Times...

Superior Court Judge Mark V. Mooney ruled that the City Charter does not give the elected controller the power to audit the elected city attorney's office or programs within the...
Andrew Breitbart's Los Angeles-based family of aggressively right-wing websites will soon grow by one. Big Journalism's target will be what Breitbart calls the "Democratic-media complex” and the stated goal will...
The body of 21-year-old James Wernke was found this morning near a creek bed in Fullerton. There was no immediate indication how he died. Wernke had been missing since taking...
Superior Court commissioner Scott Gordon didn't give either side what they wanted and set a court date of March 29 to decide issues of spousal support and attorney’s fees in...
Those on the list are starting to get the word. Elina Shatkin, who wrote for Calendar and The Guide, posted on her Twitter and Facebook feeds that she was tapped...
French rock legend Johnny Hallyday has emerged from a medically induced coma he had been in since last week, according to his press relations office. He's been treated at Cedars-Sinai...
Golden Globes nominations, the Dodgers salary-dump Juan Pierre, another look at the porn business and the mayor calls in from Copenhagen — plus more after the jump....

When our LA Sketchbook cartoonist Steve Greenberg had a drawing in Sunday's Daily News, it was something of a time warp. He was the paper's first staff cartoonist back in...

This went up on the Times' Readers' Rep blog late Friday. I just saw it. Excerpt: He has reported from more than 50 countries, beginning in Nicaragua in the mid-1980s...

We have a new winner: Langer's Deli knocks Providence off the top of the list selected by 100 participants in Chowhound's Los Angeles pages. A change in procedure that encouraged...
Steve Poizner is sure spending a lot his own money to run, spending remorse at the Police Protective League, and a new job for a laid-off journalist. More, much more,...

Unveiling its 2009 awards today, the Los Angeles Film Critics Association anointed "The Hurt Locker" as best picture and Kathryn Bigelow as top director, Yolande Moreau as best actress for...

The Democrats' next Speaker of the Assembly, John Perez, will be Conan Nolan's guest on "KNBC News Conference" Sunday at 9 a.m. State Senator Gloria Romero of East Los Angeles...
The statement on Tiger Woods' website says, in part, "After much soul searching, I have decided to take an indefinite break from professional golf. I need to focus my attention...
LA Observed columnist Bill Boyarsky has his say about the campaign in the 2nd City Council district, then I have mine on KCRW at 4:44 p.m. Sometimes in the randomness...

Krekorian goes back to Sacramento, Art Torres gets a raise, another reporter move at the Times and City Hall's beacon shone last night. More news and notes after the jump....

The city of Burbank wants Debra Wong Yang, the Los Angeles police commissioner and former U.S. Attorney here, to help clean up whatever ails the Burbank Police Department. KPCC...

The Los Angeles Times has moved Metro's religion writer, Duke Helfand, to cover health on the Business staff. Some of you will remember Helfand as a City Hall reporter for...
TJ Sullivan has a nice piece at Native Intelligence on the essential role that the venerable Editor & Publisher played in his early years as an itinerant journalist in Ketchum,...
Ordin, currently vice president of the Los Angeles police commission, is expected to be named Los Angeles County Counsel at next week's Board of Supervisors meeting. She held top jobs...
KTLA reporter Eric Spillman is once again on the case to discover where Mayor Villaraigosa is going, who he's meeting with and how much it is all costing. On the...
Patrick McClenahan is out as the KCBS/KCAL duopoly's president and general manager. In is Steve Mauldin, who has been overseeing the CBS duopoly in Dallas/Fort Worth. Some analysis by Michael...
KNBC's Fred Roggin is testing an online and digital-channel show called The Filter that may go on real TV over Channel 4 next year. Roggin has various observers and commentators...
"Glee" star Chris Colfer is 19, gay and without children. So why does the Los Angeles Unified School District's auto-call robot keep phoning him at home to say his daughter...
Dating author and hypnotherapist Alex Benzer gives his seven reasons at the Huffington Post why Los Angeles is, he argues, an extraordinarily tough dating town. The high ratio of single...
John Perez to be elected Speaker today, Essel wasted $156 per vote to lose, a pregnant woman murdered in Venice and more after the jump....
The chronicle of the newspaper industry has been around 1901. Kirkus Reviews, around since 1933, is also killed by owner Nielsen Business Media, which completed its sale of the Hollywood...
A federal judge dismissed the guilty plea by Broadcom co-founder Henry Samueli on charges that he lied to investigators in a stock options backdating probe. AP...

Newly elected Los Angeles City Council member Paul Krekorian guests with Warren Olney on Which Way, L.A.? at 7:30 p.m. on KCRW. Former school board member David Tokofsky and parent...
Plans to tear down the old CBS radio and television home at Sunset and Gower for a condo tower go to the city planning commission tomorrow. There are several old...
Santa Monica city councilman Richard Bloom was sworn in today as the south coast representative on the California Coastal Commission, succeeding Larry Clark of Rancho Palos Verdes. More than a...
The poet, New Yorker staff writer and USC teacher blogs at The Millions about what she read this year. Excerpt: This was the year in which I read Twilight, in...
Channel 5 reporter (and Villaraigosa main squeeze) Lu Parker just tweeted that she has a new blog post up. It's a Christmas gift suggestion, and like much of her online...
Newport Beach philanthropist David Gelbaum has given $94 million to various programs of the American Civil Liberties Union since 2005, another $48 million to the Sierra Club Foundation, and a...

This is at least the third iteration I recall, but Variety on Thursday will start charging again for some web content. Here's how the trade explains it: After clicking on...
Lawyer and former state assemblyman Walter Karabian won't be charged by the DA over Saturday's incident in which a parking attendant was allegedly struck by Karabian's car at the USC...
Day after on Krekorian over Essel, Garcetti admits interest in mayor or Senate, Judge Real off the Alex Sanchez case, and the battling McCourts agree on something finally. More after...

One tactic the Hollywood news site The Wrap is using to get its name out there is to host free film screenings. Judging by tonight, it's working. So many people...
Here's the new addition to the Los Angeles Times I alluded to in the previous post: an investigative reporter in Sacramento. Tonight's memo in the newsroom from David Lauter, the...
In the last installment of their survey of each other, most former Los Angeles Times newsroom staffers polled say they expect their old paper to fold — just 16% expect...
Saul Hansell will be Programming Director of AOL's new Seed.com., a content management platform expected to launch this month. He blogs about it....
The Times says the Los Angeles City Council opted to allow only 70 medical marijuana outlets, the LA Weekly says it's 137. In any case, there already are ten times...

When ESPN's new Los Angeles presence debuts Dec. 21, the network will be without baseball writer Peter Gammons. He's leaving to pursue other challenges and a lighter schedule....
Jeffrey Tidus, an attorney with Baute & Tidus in downtown Los Angeles, died this morning of his wounds. He was found shot on the lawn in front of his home...

Oh boy, did Sam Rubin go off on Perez Hilton on the KTLA Morning News this morning — to cheers and atta-boys from his fellow Channel 5sters. It seems...
More excessive radiation from CT scans, delays on the Expo Line, surviving six months on a bus bench in the Valley, and voting ends today in the 2nd district —...
The former Robinson's store at the edge of Beverly Hills has been the target of a drawn-out financial and legal wrangle, which Dakota Smith tries to unravel over at Curbed...

Her Channel 2 colleague, Kent Shocknek, blogs Sharon Tay's personal dating do's and don't's, starting with the preamble "I have been single for a long time. But HATE dating! In...

This week's New Yorker publishes All That, new fiction by the late David Foster Wallace, who killed himself last year. In March, the magazine published an excerpt from his last...
Looking at all the labor money in the CD 2 race, old LAPD riot helmets headed to Washington state, and artist Richard Ankrom's guerrilla freeway sign has been found. Plus...

Television writer Earl Pomerantz has been blogging about his time in the hospital leading up to, and after, open heart surgery. If nothing else, he seems in a good enough...
Former state assemblyman Walter Karabian was booked on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon for allegedly running over a parking attendant at the Coliseum before today's USC game. He...

Today's segment, airing shortly at 4:44 p.m., talks about Phil Spector's visit to the dentist in Toluca Lake. I tie in Roman Polanski moving over to the mountain chalet in...

Nice shoutout from Brian Williams on the evening news for NBC's Los Angeles correspondent George Lewis. The video piece shows George covering the Vietnam War and "countless California earthquakes." Still...
Polanski at home in his chalet, Time chases Meg Whitman and more after the jump. Also see today's Mark Lacter morning headlines at LA Biz Observed, and follow Mark and...

Officer Aragon was off-duty when his motorcycle crashed around 2:15 a.m. at Fletcher Drive and Larga Avenue, according to the L.A. Times and CBS 2. He was pronounced dead at...
Retired Los Angeles Fire Department captain Jim Perry was killed today in a crash on U.S. 395 near Reno. Perry was well known to local media and was editor of...

Donna Myrow, the founder of the teen-written paper LA Youth, was having lunch with book agent Charlotte Gusay when security guards at Farmers Market ordered her not to give her...
Schwarzenegger years labeled a disappointment, a newspaper calls for getting rid of the lieutenant governor, and you can now get Reagan on your iPhone. Plus more after the jump. Quick...
A former employee of the City Attorney's office is "a person of interest" in the investigation into how all deputy city attorneys received mailers claiming their boss, Carmen Trutanich, would...
KFI's news Twitter feed says that convicted killer Phil Spector is at a dentist's office in Toluca Lake right now, escorted by prison correctional officers. Update: Yes, Spector was allowed...
Yes, Claudia Eller will still be digging for scoops in Hollywood. But she's shifting to also help manage the other reporters for Company Town, the L.A. Times' entertainment news operation....
Speaker Karen Bass told reporters in Sacramento this afternoon that Los Angeles assemblyman John Perez has enough Democratic votes lined up — including hers — to become speaker. She implied...
Online Editor Ryan Garfat is leaving the Daily News to be one of five editors working on ESPN's soon-to-launch Los Angeles site, working out of the L.A. Live newsroom downtown....
I guess the media liked the Jerusalem Post story we posted this morning — on a LAPD deputy chief saying the two rabbis shot here in October were "kneecapped" in...
How long has the index page for the City of Los Angeles website been offline? Unable to load file report_error.htm: File E:/stellent/idcm1cons/data/users/report_error.htm is not present. One source says it has...

In the second part of a survey of recently formered newsroom staffers at the Los Angeles Times, almost all say they have health insurance — but mostly due to COBRA...

The Los Angeles page is up. Here's a snip from the release out of New York, where the Huffinton Post's paid staff of editors and aggregators is based: The Huffington...
Steve Wasserman, the former Los Angeles Times book editor who is now an agent and book editor at Truthdig, gave a keynote address in Guadalajara in which he said predicting...
The debut Los Angeles page isn't officially up yet, but if you poke around at the Huffington Post you can find new posts by UCLA Chancellor Gene Block saying that...
Israeli organized crime activity in Los Angeles has gotten "a little bit worse" recently, LAPD terrorism chief Michael P. Downing told the Jerusalem Post this week on a visit in...
Today's handicapping in Sacramento is that Assemblyman John Pérez may have the votes to be elected Speaker, with Kevin de León alive in the race too. Pérez, the Democratic caucus...

Steve Greenberg, LA Observed's editorial cartoonist, posts at his Cagle.com blog about his year of underemployment since being laid off by the Ventura County Star. "I thought my position was...
Tiger Woods cops to transgressions, water main break eats a Lexus, Sam Zell gives up one title and La Opinión goes hyperlocal — plus much more after the jump....
Sara Libby wonders at True/Slant: When I saw the first line of yesterday’s L.A. Times story on NFL linebacker Dhani Jones, I knew I couldn’t read any further. It says:...
The sports giant said back in July it was coming to Los Angeles with a local news website, and now we know it will launch Dec. 21. "ESPN's launch of...
This won't come as good news for the Los Angeles Times staffers who are worried about losing their jobs in the coming cutbacks. The ex-staffers behind The Journalism Shop did...
PEN Center USA's annual awards dinner and LitFest is tomorrow night at the Beverly Hills Hotel. It's always chock full of local authors, journalists and interesting people. (Tickets are still...
City Attorney Carmen Trutanich checked himself into an undisclosed hospital on Saturday for tests related to abdominal pains. "He should be released tomorrow or the next day," spokesman John Franklin...
Posts on the Rosemead City Council, like in most of the 88 cities in Los Angeles County, are meant as part-time pursuits — they pay $2,318 a month. But since...
A leaked email from an editor at AOL reveals how the service wants its blogger-journalists to get the job done. One way is to focus to an extreme on using...
The Urban Land Institute's local council has created the Los Angeles Real Creativity awards and will hand out the first four at a dinner on Saturday in the lobby of...

It has admittedly been a long time since I looked at Charles Johnson's blog Little Green Footballs, and I don't find myself picking up all that much from Pajamas Media,...
In her new book "Going Rogue," best-selling author Sarah Palin claims to wrap herself in the flag of UCLA legend John Wooden. But, um, the quote she attributes to Coach...
Don't hold your breath for charges in Michael Jackson's death, Villaraigosa makes plans for his next overseas trip, locals are at the center of a power struggle in the Assembly,...
Clinton fundraises in LA

Brown declares disaster area

Performing arts with cheer