- Former UCLA chancellor Charles Young filed suit asking the California Supreme Court to invalidate the state's 2/3 vote requirement for raising taxes. Dan Walters
- More chest-beating and attention-seeking by politicos over the costs of the Michael Jackson farewell show. LAT, DN
- Creators Syndicate president Rick Newcombe says in an Op-Ed piece that he's making plans to leave Los Angeles in his ongoing dispute with City Hall over business taxes. Wall Street Journal
- Los Angeles artist Shepard Fairey agreed to plead guilty to three vandalism charges in exchange for Boston prosecutors dropping 11 other charges. He got two years probation. LAT, Huff Post
- NPR News will air a series of stories all next week on “California In Crisis,” on Morning Edition and All Things Considered.
- Google Transit is basically up and ready to go for local bus and train riders. LAist
- Metro will conduct exploratory drilling on the future Wilshire subway route on Sunday at Stanley Drive in Beverly Hills and next week at Highland and Selma, Santa Monica and Avenue of the Stars and at Wilshire and Detroit.
- Assemblyman Paul Krekorian and school board member Tamar Galatzan officially joined, as expected, the now-crowded race for City Council in the Valley's 2nd district. DN
- Actress Eva Longoria-Parker sent a letter to the MALDEF board as part of a campaign to have Villaraigosa legal counsel Thomas Saenz named president and general counsel of the organization. Facebook
- The teenaged journalists at LAYouth.com have new content up, even in summer.
- David Beckham and family have returned to Los Angeles as he prepares to resume his Galaxy career. Inside USC
- KNBC's NewsRaw became the first digital channel nominated for a local Emmy. Variety
- The Lakers' Adam Morrison is playing in the Las Vegas summer league to save his NBA career. Review-Journal
- Kings prospects are practicing on the ice in sessions open to the public this weekend at Toyota Sports Center in El Segundo.