Gov. Schwarzenegger conceded defeat two hours after the polls closed, and said Democrats and Republicans must now work together to close a $21 billion budget deficit. The five budget propositions lost, with only 1F passing to limit officials' raises during a deficit.
Judy Chu (33%) was leading Gil Cedillo (24%) in the 32nd congressional district with 87% of precincts counted. Looks like we have a winner and Cedillo has to stay in Sacramento and face the music, like everybody else.
Carmen Trutanich (55%) was leading Jack Weiss (45%) in the race for Los Angeles City Attorney, with 76% of precincts counted. Looks like a winner there too. End of the line, possibly, for Weiss.
Paul Koretz (52%) was leading David Vahedi (48%) with 65% of the precincts counted in LA's 5th city council district.
Updated at midnight