Observing Los Angeles

Taking a break from Los Angeles

Lina ChungUCLA student Lina Chung isn't just heading off to Rome to study abroad. She's calling a much-needed break from living in Los Angeles. "I have been a faithful girlfriend, devoted companion and childhood sweetheart � not to a man, but to this city, Los Angeles," she writes in the Daily Bruin. Sample:

Don�t get me wrong, Los Angeles. You�ve been good to me all these years. We�ve had some good times on the West side, driving down Sunset Boulevard or enjoying the ocean views along the PCH.

You�ve fed me and cared for me by taking me to a plethora of amazing restaurants � sushi, vegetarian gourmet, Cuban, and Korean barbecue � all within a convenient 5-mile radius....

But something changed. It�s not you, Los Angeles, it�s me. I�ve realized that after 20 years of being completely faithful to my city (ignoring the occasional weekend flings with Portland, Santa Barbara or San Francisco), I need to move on. I need to see what else is out there in the world.

Students in their underwear, again: Fewer Bruins turned out at the thrice-annual Undie Run (December's is the least attended) but more media than ever came, including four Los Angeles Times staffers. LAist re-runs photos from bigger years.

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