Did anyone really think the same-sex marriage issue in California was over? According to a new story in Capitol Weekly, the move to repeal Prop 8 is already taking aim at the 2010 ballot:
A group called the Courage Campaign said they have begun a bid to go back to the ballot in 2010 with an initiative that would repeal Prop. 8. This initiative, which passed by a 4.6 percent margin, revoked the right to marriage the same sex couple had won in a May California Supreme Court decision.Working with CREDO mobile, which bills itself as a socially-responsible wireless provider, they have put up an online petition for those supporting a repeal.
So far, that online petition has more than 118,000 signatures. Meanwhile, a Catholic bishop in Utah is rushing to say "Me too!" in his opposition to gay marriage.
--Veronique de Turenne