Adrienne Crew writes at Native Intelligence about prepping to be a poll worker today at a precinct in Culver City. On the theme, Mark Lacter has Election Day headlines at LA Biz Observed, visiting blogger Ellen Alperstein posts about practicing the election ritual "with relish and commitment," Veronique de Turenne votes in Malibu with photos, and Jenny Burman spots an Obama garden near Chicken Corner.
Also on the site right now: Veronique de Turenne offers the top 5 things about being laid off from the Los Angeles Times, Nancy Rommelmann welcomes L.A. media refugees to Portland, Sara Catania's marathon training reaches week six and the realization that her fellow runners are an impressive group, she also remembers her household being permeated with the voice of Studs Terkel, Adrienne Crew does Day of the Dead and Denise Hamilton keeps watch for scary Halloween candy from China.