Just for kicks, before and after my "Noir of Politics" panel at Sunday's West Hollywood Book Fair I shot some video of other panels and did interviews with author (and Native Intelligence contributor) Denise Hamilton and journalist Christopher Lisotta. He was about to interview Robert Wagner, who also shows up in the video (as does ex-Hollywood starlet Adrienne Barbeau.) The edited video runs about three minutes and features Hamilton and Diana Wagman talking about their writing group, Daniel A. Olivas, Sandra Ramos O'Briant and Reyna Grande speaking on their anthology "Latinos in Lotusland," and LA Observed author Deanne Stillman hanging out with longtime friend Michael Blake, who wrote "Dances with Wolves." Former Los Angeles prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi and journalist Gustavo Arellano make brief appearances, and the loud joke teller near the beginning is Anabelle Gurwitch.
If your playback quality is low, here's the high-def version (or the closest to HD that YouTube allows.) View more topical Los Angeles videos at the LA Observed YouTube channel.