NPR's Culver City-based show "Day to Day" is running a web series on what gas prices and changing interests are doing to the traditional car-based California culture. The producers have put out a call on the series' blog for photos of listeners' cars:
In L.A., it's not uncommon to come across "Car Rich, House Poor" individuals; they drive shiny new BMWs or Audis, but live in a tiny little apartment with college-dorm-quality furniture. (My neighbor a few doors down qualifies--I've seen through her screen door.) At the same time, millionaire movie people insist on the simple, box-like Prius, even when they could have a vintage Porsche gutted and filled with a bio-diesel engine.On Monday, Day to Day will be running a piece on "California Car Culture." Today, we want you to send us a photo of you with your car, along with a few sentences about what your car means to you....but remember: this is a family show. No Bikini Car Wash homages, please.
"Day to Day" ran a piece this week from Youth Radio reporter King Anyi Howell positing that by altering how we go out and who people date, gas prices are the new curfew.