Staffers at the San Gabriel Valley Tribune say that Metro Editor Edward Barrera resigned Thursday. He's reportedly moving back to New York after a stint in Guatemala. Barrera pioneered the paper's Editor's Corner blog, which I see hasn't been fed since early June. (Added: Confirmed by former colleague Gary Scott.)
Meanwhile: MediaNews owner Dean Singleton tried to allay fears about the finances of his newspaper empire with a memo to the staff Thursday pooh-poohing the downgrade of Media News by Standard & Poors. Probably didn't help confidence that Singleton, in trying to praise recently fired help, proved to be spelling-challenged:
The recent necessary downsizing at some of our newspapers was a difficult decision, from both a personal and professional perspective, and we will certainly miss our cohorts. Each played an important role in the company, and there departure, through no fault of their own, leaves a whole that the rest of our employees will have to find a way to fill.
My bold.