It's not clear who was putting out the Los Angeles Times this afternoon, since the top editors attended the service for retired reporter Ken Reich. No hard feelings about his anti-Tribune, anti-Sam Zell blog called Take Back the Times, I guess. The top three on the masthead — Editor Russ Stanton, Executive Editor John Arthur and Managing Editor Davan Maharaj — were there, as was California Editor David Lauter and several dozen current and past editors and reporters. Former sports editor Bill Dwyre and ex-reporter Anton Calleia, later an aide to Los Angeles City Councilman Marvin Braude and deputy mayor under Tom Bradley, gave eulogies along with Reich's son David. Reich was remembered as a tough, combative but also amusing reporter and as a true character of the L.A. news scene. Former baseball commissioner Peter Ueberroth, Councilwoman Wendy Greuel and retired TV newsman Saul Halpert were among those paying respects.
Previously on LA Observed:
Ken Reich, retired Times reporter, dies
Ken Reich's daughter posts
Ken Reich tributes