Ken Reich memorial service

It's not clear who was putting out the Los Angeles Times this afternoon, since the top editors attended the service for retired reporter Ken Reich. No hard feelings about his anti-Tribune, anti-Sam Zell blog called Take Back the Times, I guess. The top three on the masthead — Editor Russ Stanton, Executive Editor John Arthur and Managing Editor Davan Maharaj — were there, as was California Editor David Lauter and several dozen current and past editors and reporters. Former sports editor Bill Dwyre and ex-reporter Anton Calleia, later an aide to Los Angeles City Councilman Marvin Braude and deputy mayor under Tom Bradley, gave eulogies along with Reich's son David. Reich was remembered as a tough, combative but also amusing reporter and as a true character of the L.A. news scene. Former baseball commissioner Peter Ueberroth, Councilwoman Wendy Greuel and retired TV newsman Saul Halpert were among those paying respects.

Previously on LA Observed:
Ken Reich, retired Times reporter, dies
Ken Reich's daughter posts
Ken Reich tributes

11:54 PM Thursday, July 3 2008 • Link
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