
Best of Los Angeles, sadly

Los Angeles magazine's many-month contest to let readers choose the single greatest thing about L.A. probably fizzled credibility-wise that first round when McCabe�s Guitar Shop beat the Hollywood Bowl. But they plugged on and now it's down to two final choices: the weather or, um, Amoeba Music. People can vote at the magazine's website until June 20. Then the winner, so to speak, will be announced July 12 at the annual Concern Foundation block party, which marks the release of the magazine's Best of L.A. issue. Meanwhile, in the July issue hitting streets now I have a piece on David Nahai, the new face in Los Angeles politics as the head of DWP who will try to sell us on drinking recycled sewage effluent. It's not yet online.

At the website: Chris Nichols reveals that Thomas Brothers stopped inserting fake streets in its maps to catch copyright thieves.

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