I guess Josh Kleinbaum's last official title was director of audience development for the Los Angeles Newspaper Group websites, but he came out of the reporting ranks at the Daily News and ran that paper's website. He resigned to move to New York, where his wife has a job at Yahoo and he has family. "I don't have a job yet, but I have a few good leads," he emails from the road. Kleinbaum is blogging the cross-country trip in a big yellow truck. Earlier this weekend, I reported the looming exit of DN columnist Bridget Johnson and Friday's departure of AME George Foulsham. At least one other staffer gave notice last week, I'm told, and a significant swath of the Daily News newsroom is said to be looking.
Also getting out: Fred Ortega, Pasadena City Hall reporter at the Pasadena Star-News, gave notice and plans to take a job as community affairs deputy for Board of Equalization chairwoman Judy Chu, says Gary Scott. He also reports that Pat Maio, assistant city editor at the San Bernardino Sun, gave notice too.