
Jamiel Shaw Sr. 'on a mission...I can�t stop'

NYT bureau chief Jennifer Steinhauer talks to the father of slain teenager Jamiel Shaw Jr. about the hole in his life and his crusade to amend Special Order 40:

�I don�t care about illegal people who are working here and taking care of themselves,� Mr. Shaw said. �I just feel I am obligated to target illegal aliens in gangs.�

A preliminary hearing in the killing of Jamiel Shaw Jr. is set to begin here on Thursday. Jamiel Jr. � who was black and, according to the police, not known to be affiliated with gangs � and a simmering unease about illegal immigration have unleashed a swell of opposition to the city�s hands-off policy toward immigration enforcement


"Every day I just see that boy laying in the street dead,� he said, sobbing. �I just want to get him back. That�s why I can�t stop. I�m on a mission. I can�t stop.�

The story picks up on, but doesn't add anything to, the weekend report that Shaw Jr.'s MySpace posts indicated an association with his neighborhood's gang. Journalist-blogger Celeste Fremon of Witness LA is quoted.

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