
Sunday politics in L.A.

It's a big get out the vote day all over town.

Former president Bill Clinton will hit four churches in the morning: City of Refuge in Gardena at 8 am, Church of the New Covenant in Norwalk at 9:15, First AME on S. Gramercy Place at 10:30 and the Second Baptist Church in Inglewood at 11:45. Hillary Clinton was in Inglewood today before her rally at Cal State L.A.

Barack Obama will be in Delaware, but he'll have his wife, Oprah Winfrey and Caroline Kennedy pinch hitting at a 1:30 rally at UCLA's Pauley Pavilion.

Media outlets are also gearing up for Tuesday's election:

  • NPR's "Day to Day" will broadcast live from Phillipe's on Monday and Tuesday. Alex Chadwick will host from the home of the French Dip sandwich and co-host Madeleine Brand will be in New York. Scheduled guests at Phillipe's include Reps. Linda and Loretta Sanchez and Republican commentator Rob Long.
  • KCRW will switch over to election coverage at noon Tuesday, beginning with two hours of Warren Olney's "To the Point" then coverage of returns from National Public Radio.
  • KPCC has put together an online election package and will carry reports all day, then have Larry Mantle host election coverage stating at 8 pm.
  • Dan Rather will anchor five hours of election coverage for HDNet before a live audience of students and faculty at the USC Annenberg School for Communication. He goes live at 5 pm our time.
  • The L.A. Times has set up its online voter guide to let you text your ballot picks to yourself, in case you have a memory lapse at the polls.
  • Radio host Hugh Hewitt will talk about the influence of talk radio on the Republican nomination on CNN's Reliable Sources, Sunday at 7 am. Time magazine's Karen Tumulty will also be on, but may be a little jet lagged. After appearing Thursday night on Jon Stewart, she flew out here, showed up at Scott Kaufer's monthly media gathering at Yamashiro, and headed back east.

Want nothing to do with elections on Tuesday Night? Aloud LA is hosting David Rieff in a conversation with the LAT's Tim Rutten about "Swimming in a Sea of Death: A Son's Memoir," the author's book about his mother, Susan Sontag. Central Library, 7 pm.

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