I'm jet-lagged and hacking loud enough to frighten the neighbors, but they tell me it's my turn to blog. Huge kudos and thanks to Veronique de Turenne, Jenny Burman and the other contributors for carrying on while I've been off (mostly) exploring. Veronique's daily posts were my chief contact with L.A. most of the fortnight, and I must say, it was fun and refreshing to be on the other side for awhile. Readers I've heard from enjoyed the different voice, so maybe we can get her to do it some more. While in Paris I learned that Veronique was actually born on the street in the Marais that bears her name. She's also related to the Vicomte or whoever it is the Rue de Turenne honors. So I just had to bring back the photograph. Meanwhile, if I come up with some cogent thoughts on traveling outside L.A. I'll post them later.
Photo: Sean Roderick