This, that, and the other thing

New art gallery in Westlake neighborhood

According to the web site:

rampART is a community art gallery in the flourishing art district near MacArthur Park in downtown Los Angeles.

Focus to be on local photogs and their take on our fair city.

Calendar splits

Thursday's tab gets a broadsheet companion, according to Laura Stegman's media blog. Changes due in mid-October.

Section 1 will become a broadsheet, and continue to be SoCal's #1 source for movies and television.

Section 2 will remain a tab, called Calendar/The Guide, and give our readers a detailed look at the weekend ahead, including more coverage of concerts, theatres, clubs and art galleries.

Dodgers add a pitcher

It's 44-year-old lefty, David Wells. You can read even-handed stories by Tony Jackson in the Daily News, and Kevin Baxter in the Times. Or you you can try one fully steeped in the Wild West mentality of the blogosphere at Dodger Blues.

Not wanting to make a run for the Wild Card with only one pitcher incapable of getting anyone out, the Dodgers are adding another on Friday. Though it's not official, the Dodgers will announce today that they've signed 44-year-old lefty David Wells�the only guy who can make Roberto Hernandez feel young.

Frustrated fans might want to bookmark the site.

That's all, folks

From me today, anyway. Lord but you're an opinionated bunch. And funny. And smart. And curious, demanding, cranky and well-read. And did I mention opinionated?

There may be some light posting over the weekend. Please keep the tips and ideas and links coming to veronique (at)

Oh - and I know I'm a lousy copy editor. So please, alert me to typos, broken links, factual errors or any other journalistic equivalents of having toilet paper stuck to my shoe. I've got plenty to answer to Kevin for (naked Hollywood guy?) as it is.

Have a great weekend -


More by Veronique de Turenne:
A little bit of mid-week reading
News about the news *
A few links from a few different places
Ups and downs in the local media landscape
Let's talk about anything but the weather
Recent stories on LA Observed:
Standing up to Harvey Weinstein
The Media
LA Times gets a top editor with nothing but questions
LA Observed Notes: Harvey Weinstein stripped bare
David Ryu and candidate Mike Fong
LA Observed Notes: Photos of the homeless, photos that found homes
Volleying with Rosie Casals
Lloyd Hamrol
Previous story: Unger files

Next story: VC Star publisher stepping down


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