
Call for social workers

South Los Angeles has a crying need for social workers who want to stay and work in the community. Betty Pleasant's Soul Vine column in The Wave puts out the word.

My big brother, Brad Pye Jr., who is the PR chief for the county’s Department of Children and Family Services, said his agency is having difficulty getting social workers who are willing to work with children and families in South Los Angeles. He said social workers may start out in South L.A., but they want to remain there for a limited time, for about a year, then they leave and go work in other areas of the county. The majority of the children served by this agency are black and brown. “And we need social workers who are committed to our children,” Brad said.

They're having a job fair for the agency on Saturday at the Hawthorne office. Pleasant writes "that cute KNBC anchorman, Chris Schauble, who is a former foster child, will kick off the event with remarks about the effect a committed, dedicated and compassionate social worker had on his life when he was going up."

Add Pleasant: She's all over the nasty politics, a lot of it racial, in the city of Carson.

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