Mid-week buzz after the jump.


Train victim recants
The woman who survived being hit by a Metrolink train when her boyfriend stopped on the tracks in Sun Valley now says he wasn't trying to kill her. She's unaware that he died. LAT
Rent control expanded a bit
L.A.'s law applies to apartments built before 1979, but now owners who tear down a controlled building to erect another will be covered. They can set the rent on the new units at market rates, but future raises will be limited. LAT, DN
Koreatown restaurant murder-suicide
Shortly before 5 pm Tuesday, a man entered Suhrabal on Western Avenue, killed the owner, then shot himself. LAT
'Dateline' downsizes Stone Phillips
NBC won't replace the show's co-anchor. Ann Curry will host "Dateline" solo. Variety
What's behind the Weiss recall effort
County CAO powers finalized
The Board of Supes approved turning over the direct report of department heads to chief administrative officer David Janssen. He also gets a big raise. DN, LAT
Board of Ed face-off
School board president Marlene Canter and newly elected board member Tamar Galatzan will appear together on the Kitchen Table segment of KCET's "Life and Times," tonight at 7 pm. David Lehrer moderates.
Nieman fellow
Jennifer McKim of the Orange County Register will spend a year at Harvard under journalism's most coveted fellowship. Romenesko
Award for West
The LAT's West magazine won a top Missouri Lifestyle Journalism Award for excellence: "For the price of your daily newspaper, the Los Angeles Times throws in, free, a high-gloss, high-quality magazine each Sunday. The quality of the writing, photography and design holds up with most national magazines. This one is focused on the West, and as you go through its pages, you get a sense of place, a sense of literature and a sense of humor." Robin Abcarian of the Times won for best fashion/design story for a piece about overweight girls who wear clothes that are too tight.
New America Foundation chiefs
With the departure of Dave Lesher, Leif Wellington Haase takes over the NAF California Program in Sacramento. Gregory Rodriguez becomes Director of the California Fellows Program and continues as an Irvine Senior Fellow.