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MTA board to consider fare hike
MTA chief Roger Snoble has recommended raising cash fares to $2 per ride (from $1.25) and the monthly pass to $120 (from $52) over the next 19 months. The Times story frames it as a crossroads for the agency and a conflict between its rail ambitions and bus riders. LAT, DN
Reality Sheriff's TV
Remember that YouTube video of L.A. Sheriff's recruits being welcomed to their first day of training by deputies acting like Marine drill instructors? Sheriff Baca approved a reality show that follows recruits through the academy, premiering tonight on the Fox Reality network. LAT
Broad gives more to charter schools
Philanthropist Eli Broad's foundation committed $6.5 million to the Alliance for College-Ready Public Schools, which is chaired by his friend, former mayor Richard Riordan. LAT
Yagman trial begins
Attorney Stephen Yagman faces tax evasion charges. LAT
Dodger Stadium parking works now
That's what Bill Plaschke says, and his experience sounds pretty good.
Manson stays in prison
Charles Manson, 72, was denied parole for an eleventh time and his life term will continue until at least 2012. The murderous cult leader who ordered the killing of actress Sharon Tate in 1969 did not attend the proceeding, knowing the outcome in advance. AP
Heal the Bay on beaches
Still bad, says the enviro group's annual news hook. LAT
Daily News regrets the error
In yesterday's story about the new powers for county CAO David Janssen, the Daily News hyped up the part about him making as much as $399,000. Today the paper runs a correction saying he's officially retired and works on a contract while a successor is sought, they don't know how much he makes and that the pay range for the next county chief will be between $179,865 to $399,925.
Unbeige visits Seven Grand
The design blog likes the new bar downtown.