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23 days for Paris
The sheriff's department decides in advance that she will serve 23 days on her 45-day sentence for repeatedly driving without a license, and will be kept in a special segregated section of the Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood due to her celebrity. That area has two-person cells. LAT, DN
Wesson says he's not running for Supe
Councilman Herb Wesson declared himself out of the race to replace his former boss, Supervisor Yvonne Brathwaite Burke, if she steps down next year. That clears it for a battle between Sen. Mark Ridley-Thomas and Councilman Bernard Parks. LAT
Spector's driver grilled
Burns still ahead
XM not so uncensored after all
The satellite radio service suspends Opie and Anthony for off-color remarks about Laura Bush and Condoleezza Rice, and discovers that XM listeners want raunch for their money. LAT
LAX terminal 2 evacuated last night
Who puts inactive World War II mortar shells in their luggage? Apparently a woman in her 30s traveling to Canada. DN
Still looks like Los Angeles
Yet another study finds that the San Fernando Valley is big, intermixed and diverse: 40% foreign-born. "Welcome to the United Nations.' It's a very culturally diverse place," said Dan Blake, director of the San Fernando Valley Economic Research Center. DN
Murray Waas deconstructed
The former contract investigative reporter for the L.A. Times is the subject of a long piece in Washington's City Paper that critically evaluates his reporting through the years, including the controversial 1992 Iraqgate stories with now-managing editor Doug Frantz that the piece suggests were "hooey." City Paper includes an editor's note saying that Waas disputes the piece and that it has been attacked for months in Daily Kos and elsewhere.
Blog response to Pomona's warning
Foothill Cities blog has its lawyer write back to the city of Pomona. The blog also has a new location and design.