Some light Friday fare below the fold.

Peaceful march and rally
No troublemakers at MacArthur Park last night — and the marchers were calm too — as the mayor and police chief joined in. Weird geography in the Times story, which describes the marchers moving "north" on Wilshire Boulevard and put the park as "near Vermont Avenue." LAT, DN
Jesuit order to pay $16 million
Sex case involved a priest at Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Church in Hollywood and molestation of four girls and five boys between 1959 and 1975. LAT
New board goes out with Brewer
The new Villaraigosa-affiliated majority on the Board of Education vowed reforms. There's a press conference this morning with Villaraigosa, Brewer and the rest of the school board to discuss reform. DN
Paris Hilton drops appeal
Ready to accept her jail sentence, or just a different strategy? LAT
Village Voice Media sells a paper
The East Bay Express goes to the editor and partners. Romenesko
Ill sea lion rescued in Ballona Creek
Animal was laying in shallow water inland near Inglewood Boulevard on the edge of Culver City. Breeze
New managing editor for LANG Interactive
Josh Kleinbaum of the Daily News takes over for the Los Angeles Newspaper Group.
Mayor meets up with Rush Limbaugh
In a New York restaurant. Political Muscle, Metroblogging