There's no point in asking Times newsroom staffers people to clean up their desks, Channel 2 style — clutter there is so far gone that fire inspectors have come through before and ordered that stacks of files and years-old newspapers be picked up off floors. But LAT editor Jim O'Shea alerted the troops yesterday that film crews will be visiting to film promotional spots "highlighting some of the personalites on the staff, people like Patt Morrison and Steve Lopez" — and he asked the inmates to please cooperate. He suggests in his memo that the effort should mollify staffers who have complained the paper doesn't promote itself enough. [Perhaps fewer stories on the paper shooting itself in the foot would help that cause more.] Memo follows:
From: OShea, James
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 4:47 PM
Subject: Filming
To the Staff:
A film crew set up by the Marketing Department will be in the newsroom Wednesday and Thursday filming some promotional ads highlighting some of the personalites on the staff, people like Patt Morrison and Steve Lopez. These ads are the first in a series designed to promote the newspaper and the great journalism we do. Over the past few days, many of you have complained that we don't promote the paper enough. This campaign has been in the process for months and will continue. It will focus on some of the positive elements of the newspaper, the great writers and commentators who work here. Since the crew will be so visible in the newsroom, I wanted you all to know what was going on and to ask you to co-operate if the film crew happens to set up in or near your area. Much of the campaign will be filmed in my office and Leo's. But there will be other locations, too.
Thanks so much,
Leo is Managing Editor Leo Wolinsky.