Click below for a little news.

Villaraigosa budget
Antonio visits LAT
Lays out his legal theories to the editorial board, which blogs about it.
Encino baby buyer a hoax
Chicago Tribune to offer buyouts
Plan to cut 100 positions should go out Monday. Layoffs follow if they don't make the numbers. CT
Villaraigosa's gang war a surprise to LAPD
Cops, students and schools officials say the mayor's claim of a turf fight over East Valley High is news to them. DN
Fire at the Daily Breeze
A special effects shot for the film Pineapple Express ignited debris and forced evacuation of the newspaper. Breeze
Scare at Long Beach City Hall
A 50-year-old man set himself on fire, suffering critical burns and forcing evacuation of the building. P-T
Alec Baldwin's blow-up at daughter
Here's the audio on TMZ.
Daily Mirror blog
Times copy editor Larry Harnisch borrows the 1947 Project model for his Times blog rehashing the news of 1957, using LAT clips. At the original, they've moved on to 1927.
Allowing bigger buildings downtown
Rick Wartzman looks at the idea to strip away the floor-area ratio rules in the old industrial district even though L.A. voters decided in 1986 against runaway density. LAT
Correction o' the day
He's the saint of copy editors apparently, from the Times
Bible on CD: An article in Wednesday's Calendar about an audio-book production of the Bible identified the Bible edition being used as the St. James Version. The Bible being used is the King James Version.
Political macher
Nicole Avant, who helped start the African American group Culture Cabinet and is a leading fundraiser for Obama, is " She never gives up, and she's as cool as the other side of the pillow," says Kerman Maddox. LAT
American Black Film Festival moves to L.A.
It had been in Miami. The 11th annual festival will be held October 25 to 29, with events in Beverly Hills and West Hollywood. AP