Ton of media notes today, and a lot of other stuff. Click below to go on in.

Did you know that? I didn't
Daylight Saving Time begins three weeks earlier this year — on March 11 — and ends one week later than usual — on Nov. 4. The federal Energy Policy Act of 2005 mandates it. Tech companies are scrambling to come up with software patches to make it go seamlessly, the LABJ says.
That was fast
The L.A. Marathon's website had already flipped over to a generic Network Solutions holding screen by the end of race day. But take my word for it: Kenyan Fred Mogaka won the overall finish and Ramilia Burangulova of Florida (by way of Russia) led the elite women racers.
Airports cost too much in L.A.
In addition to the sweetheart $600,000 consulting deal for departing Los Angeles World Airports chief Lydia Kennard, Mayor Villaraigosa's airports commission will also consider a new $10-per-rental fee for car rentals at LAX. It's to pay for a central car rental facility, but a Hertz official says "We don’t think it’s legal." Breeze
This year's L.A. Political Roast
LAPD Chief William Bratton sits in the hot seat March 15 at the annual American Diabetes Association fundraiser put on by lobbyist Arnie Berghoff, consultant Harvey Englander and City Council aide Mitch Englander. Bratton's chief tormentors will be Mayor Villaraigosa (last year's roastee), DA Steve Cooley and former LAPD anti-terrorism official John Miller, now an assistant director at the FBI. (Hey, hey! No gun jokes—ed.) Price levels from the invitation:
$25,000 - "Heavy Hitter"
$10,000 - "Fat Cat"
$5,000 - "Power Broker"
$1,200 - "Influence Peddler"
$1,000 - "A Player"
$400 - "A Constituent"
$10,000 - "Fat Cat"
$5,000 - "Power Broker"
$1,200 - "Influence Peddler"
$1,000 - "A Player"
$400 - "A Constituent"
Monday columns
Hymon/LAT: Campaign mailers, Cheviot Hills vs. the Expo Line.
Orlov/DN: Villaraigosa lays low on living wage, reaction to Tharp, Weiss to take out papers for City Attorney.
Orlov/DN: Villaraigosa lays low on living wage, reaction to Tharp, Weiss to take out papers for City Attorney.
New web presence for LA Port Watch
Keeping an eye on news of the Los Angeles and Long Beach ports. Website
Tribune's foundation under scrutiny
The Illinois Attorney General wants to know that the Robert R. McCormick Tribune Foundation is acting like a proper charity and not as an arm of Tribune's board in the LAT parent's current restructuring. Chicago Business
The Architect's Newspaper comes west
New California edition will come out semi-monthly and is edited by Sam Lubell , former news editor at Architectural Record.
Examiner team together again
Ken Layne, half of the editing duo behind the old L.A., is back living in Los Angeles and getting parking tickets. He writes about the ticket experience on today's LAT op-ed page, where the other half of the duo and his bandmate, Matt Welch, is an editor. Layne is now West Coast editor of Wonkette.
Odd omission
CityBeat publisher Charles Gerencser is featured as a prospective downtown home buyer in this week's Downtown News, but his affiliation is omitted.
Landing spot
Lesley Bargar, the final editor at L.A. Alternative, is now an associate editor at Los Angeles Magazine.
Ask a (mainstream) Mexican
OC Weekly reporter and "Ask a Mexican" columnist Gustavo Arellano has added contributing editor at the LAT Opinion pages to his title. He'll write every month or so.
New website from the Variety Group
ContentAgenda claims to be "the only business-to-business brand dedicated to the nexus of content, technology and business. From Blu-ray to cell phones, from Brussels to Hollywood, is a unique news source and blogspace covering the digital evolution of the $25BB+ industry." If you're the type of who might actually use "B-to-B" in conversation it might be for you.
Correction o' the day
From the New York Times
The error itself is not so catchy, but check out the dates. It finally ran Sunday.
The Night Out column on Sept. 10, about the novelist James Ellroy, misstated the surname of a Los Angeles police detective who helped Mr. Ellroy investigate the unsolved case of his mother’s murder. He was Rick Jackson, not Jacobson. A reader pointed out the error in an e-mail message Nov. 22. This correction was delayed because editors did not follow through on the complaint.
Author on the air
Jon Winokur, author of The Big Book of Irony, guests with Patt Morrison at 2 pm on KPCC.