Ganging up on gangs — a bunch of politics. After the jump...

Ten worst gangs plus one
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and the LAPD broke with past custom and named what they consider the city's 11 worst gangs, unveiling a coordinated attack. LAT, DN
LAPD further amplifies on Mauricio Cornejo arrest
Hollenbeck Capt. William Fiero says that officers did not use batons or kick the suspect after he was handcuffed, as three witnesses alleged. But he said it took officers 15 minutes to corral, subdue and finally arrest the parolee after a "knock-down, drag-out fight....This was not pretty, however it was necessary." Fiero says Cornejo began having medical difficulties in the squad car that took him to jail, and he was carried into the station before paramedics were called. LAT
What's in a name?
Huntington Park's up-and-coming Latino mayor uses several names, the LA Weekly's Jeffrey Anderson finds. A candidate who recently complained was threatened on the street over it.
State Supremes don't want Antonio's schools appeal
Mayor Villaraigosa's challenge of a judge's ruling that overturned the law giving him limited powers over LAUSD has to go through the normal legal channels. The state Supreme Court said no to an expedited appeal. LAT
Bought and paid for
ACORN, the grass roots group that helped lead the fight for Villaraigosa's attempted LAUSD takeover, was funded by the mayor's committee. LA Weekly
NIMBY in Venice
Some Venice residents oppose a homeless center. LAT
House says OK to Wilshire subway
Rep. Henry Waxman pushes the bill to overturn his ban on tunneling in the zone of the La Brea Tar Pits. LAT
Windsor Square moratorium
The City Council put a 45-day freeze on most construction and demolition in the historic neighborhood adjacent to Hancock Park. The moratorium is meant to replace the HPOZ overlay zone that was ruled invalid in court. LAT
Correction from Daily News
The Board of Supervisors did not double the daily amount of trash that will be put in Sunshine Canyon, as the Daily News reported yesterday. DN
Andrés Martinez's chat
The Times opinion editor said to expect more editorial page focus on county government and the state's infrastructure this year, said "I feel Villaraigosa has done a great job of raising expectations for the mayor's office," and in response to hounding by an ineloquent commenter called "zombie" said "I am religious to the degree that I do believe there is a God, but I am not terribly religious in terms of my church attendance record and such. The editorial page strongly believes in the separation of church and state."
Drinking water or dumping ground?
Both! When state workers lowered the water level in a portion of the California Aqueduct Tuesday near Pearblossom to inspect for submerged items, they found three pipe bombs, 25 probably stolen vehicles and four weapons. They weren't really surprised. "You can find just about anything in there," an official said. "We've found safes from burglaries, soda pop machines, washing machines, all number of things."