Stephanie Edwards tells the Pasadena Star-News that she took the hint and declined KTLA's offer to reprise her limited role in KTLA's Rose Parade coverage.
According to Edwards, it was time to make an amicable parting after a "severe" salary cut and negative audience reaction to last year's change."This year, the pre-parade was offered again, but what I would do - if anything - on the parade was not really clear," Edwards said. "We said this might be a good time to just quietly and gently say goodbye for what has been a wonderful 27 years."
Edwards said she would have liked to cover the parade for a few more years, but understood the decision to replace her in the booth.
That decision, she said, began two years ago when KTLA General Manager Vinnie Malcolm wanted the spot for one of the station's reporters....
Edwards said if one of them was to go, it should be her [and not her longtime co-host Bob Eubanks.]
"Bob is an international celebrity and has been so for many years," she said. "I was only a national celebrity for six months in 1975, so you really can't compare us."
Orange County Register columnist Frank Mickadeit also spoke with Edwards yesterday and plans to use the interview in a Monday column. For the record, Edwards is 63 and Eubanks is 68.
Last week: Rain won't fall on Stephanie again