Welcome to the new week...

King of the Amphitheatre
Pistol-packing Vicente Fernández is back in L.A. for his annual packed run at Universal City, this time for seven nights. Mariachi fans aren't the only ones who enjoy the shows, says Agustin Gurza in the Times: "[Fernández] brings a top-notch mariachi — 28 musicians this time, seated orchestra-like behind him — plus a supply of cognac that he downs steadily during his marathon three-hour performances. Visibly tipsy toward the end, the 66-year-old artist always astounds with a gigantic voice that never gives out, belting out hit after hit like a living jukebox."
Hollywood paradigm shift over costs, NYT says
Laura Holson uses terms like "strategic shift" and "animosity is palpable" in story about how the studios are squeezing deals down for all but the very top talent.
Hard to believe, but...
Filing opens today for next March's elections for Los Angeles city council, school board and community college board. Deal with it.
AFTER THE JUMP: More politics and media notes, plus a useful new Pasadena website and much more. Last week's highlights are here.
Photo: esmay.com
Mayor making himself useful
I heard Mayor Villaraigosa's voice on radio ads over the weekend pushing John Chiang for state controller ("Paid for by the Morongo Band of Indians," on 93.1) and Proposition 87 (in Spanish on 101.9.) Today at 10:30 am he appears at the Democrats' rally at Los Angeles City College with Senators Feinstein and Boxer.
Consultants on parade
Sonenshein and Steinberg on "Larry Mantle's Airtalk" at 10 am, Carrick and Dowd on "Patt Morrison" at 2 pm. Both KPCC.
Monday columns
Orlov: Admiral Brewer samples the Pacific Dining Car. Hymon on how City Hall spends money and all candidates expected to run for Alex Padilla's council seat have now moved into the district.
The 'other Rocky' plans to go
Darroch "Rocky" Young, chancellor of the Los Angeles Community College District since last year, said he will leave the post next summer.
Hollywood and the GOP
Entertainment industry PACS have given most of their $4.8 million in campaign contributions to incumbent Republicans seeking reelection this year.
Students publish front page editorial
The Daily Sundial at Cal State Northridge opposes Proposition 1-D, saying it will spend $56 million on a performing arts center when classrooms are needed more. Editor Robert McDonald says it's the Sundial's first front page editorial since 1968.
Pasadena website
I finally got around to clicking on the ad here for Hometown Pasadena, and the community site merits a mention. Editor and publisher Colleen Bates is a veteran freelance writer and author, and the team includes other authors and editors. They do restaurant reviews, tips on local businesses, posts on life in the Pasadena area and interviews. There's also a Pasadena guidebook of the same name.
Also from the CSUN Sundial
Headline o' the day: Sex center still trying to fix kinks in system.
Observing L.A.
The New York Times saddles up for a look at the Museum of the American West, amused by its origin with singing cowboy Gene Autry.
Yosemite in the suburbs
The city of Monrovia is close to issuing bear-proof trash cans to residents.
November planning
Traveling with Villaraigosa
Reporters Duke Helfand (L.A. Times) and Kenneth Kim (Korea Times) will talk about accompanying the mayor on his mission to Asia at an SPJ mixer Nov. 16 in Little Tokyo.
From the weekend
L.A. breakfast observed (by NYT)
Lloyd Grove and other weekend chatter
Editor's dozen of last week's top posts
Lloyd Grove and other weekend chatter
Editor's dozen of last week's top posts