Weekly archive
November 12 - November 18, 2006

Friday, Nov. 17
The team headed by San Francisco-based Hargreaves Associates was selected to design the Los Angeles State Historic Park on the 32-acre site near Chinatown sometimes called The Cornfield. The...
Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky says he's actively looking for support to put a county executive initiative on next year's ballot. Voters have rejected the idea of an elected county exec before,...
This month's American Journalism Review reconstructs the abrupt decline of the Santa Barbara News-Press under owner Wendy McCaw and her boyfriend, now calling himself the Baron Arthur von Wiesenberger but...
UCLA student says Taser got him five times Speaks through attorney Stephen Yagman, who plans to file a federal civil rights lawsuit accusing the UCLA police of using "brutal...
A Halloween night attack on three white women by 20 to 40 blacks (according to the Press-Telegram) is causing a lot of community upset in Long Beach. One woman suffered...
Thursday, Nov. 16
L.A. Times legal affairs writer Henry Weinstein, in New York to pick up his John Chancellor Award, dropped in on lefty Pacifica Radio's "Democracy Now" for a chat with hosts...
Columnist Mariel Garza's recent column about the LAPD prompted Chief William Bratton to reply on the department news and PR blog. Her column described the trouble Garza's Cal State Northridge...
Jason Calacanis made a ton of money selling Santa Monica-based Weblogs, Inc. to AOL and for the past year has been working there and running Netscape. Yesterday his mentor at...
A bunch of Times readers have emailed to say how jarring they found this morning's front page. Not because the news stories above the fold were all local, but that...
In 1999 contractor Dillingham-Ray Wilson filed a lawsuit against the city of Los Angeles for withholding payment for work done at the massive Hyperion Sewage Treatment Plant on the coast...
L.A. to impose living wage on LAX hotels The City Council voted 11-3 to require hotels to pay $10.64 an hour in wages and benefits, with lots of lobbying...
This shouldn't happen at the Los Angeles Times. In the staff-written web story about the UCLA student who got the stun gun, the Times says the incident has prompted "outrage...
Wednesday, Nov. 15
A shouting student inside Powell Library at UCLA was shot with a stun gun at least twice last night, once after resisting police orders to "stop fighting us" when they...
This time it's not Vernon, B.C. but our own city of Vernon. Mayor Leonis Malburg, who has ruled the industrial city for fifty years — that's five-oh — was charged...
New logo, typeface, departments and architecture to the magazine, which celebrates 45 years in December. It's the Power Issue, hitting newstands now with pieces by me on Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa,...
In the alley behind Nicole's Bundy Drive condo, two months after Simpson was acquitted....
Olmert still here Mayor Villaraigosa meets with Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert at the Century Plaza at 11:30 am. Pool coverage only. LAT on yesterday's visit. Catoe takes the...
Tuesday, Nov. 14
The Orange County Register has found its replacement for Mark Katches, who announced in September that he was leaving his post as Senior Team Leader/Watchdog Journalism — and leaving the...
After today's Ethics Commission meeting, the panel's vice president writes, "Give me a cynical old pol who at least keeps his or her word...We voted 4-1 to send a public...
Veronique de Turenne gives bicyclists their space on Pacific Coast Highway, but asks the same in return. "Share the road, you arrogant cyclists. Sure, it's narrow, sure it's scenic, sure...
If you want to be technical, The Knife is "a blog about restaurants favored by the entertainment industry. Monday through Thursday, The Knife is where to eat and drink in...
Just last September John Catoe withdrew from consideration for the top transit job in Atlanta to remain with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Now today's Washington Post reports that Catoe has...
LATimes.com has posted ten minutes of video showing new editor Jim O'Shea's address to the newsroom yesterday. He says in it that he told his Tribune bosses that the Times...
What would you do if you were camped in the woods with a hundred Girl Scouts, you were drinking a beer in the dark and you came eyeball to eyeball...
Israeli PM in town Prime Minister Ehud Olmert gives the keynote address at the United Jewish Communities General Assembly this afternoon at the Convention Center. Heads of state are...
It has come to this: James O'Shea's first address to the staff as editor of the Los Angeles Times was considered newsworthy enough to be reported on in today's paper....
Locals did darn well in the first awarding of these journalism prizes. The banquet is tonight in Washington, D.C. Selected winners: * Dennis Romero, staff writer at Tu Ciudad, best...
Monday, Nov. 13
I was wrong earlier today (Eastward ho) when I mentioned that the Times' associate editor, John Montorio, had stayed mum about his future with the post-Baquet paper. Actually, he had...
Programming note: I'm supposed to talk about the Times with Suzi Weissman on Beneath the Surface live on KPFK (90.7 FM) at 5:15 pm. I'm not sure what the folks...
Legendary Texas journalist Molly Ivins, in Editor & Publisher via Yahoo. What may ultimately happen, she believes, is that "we settle into some form of prestige papers, a bit like...
Remember a couple of weeks back when police recovered the stolen car of Ramona Hahn, mother of councilman Janice and former mayor Jim? A box containing dishes from a church...
The federal Centers for Disease Control have moved a team of epidemiology specialists into Los Angeles to investigate what's up with Morgellons disease. Many doctors say the disorder flatly doesn't...
For the fifth year in a row the University of Southern California has more international students than any school in the United States. The Open Doors report says the 6,881...
Safe to say the trend of New York Times staffers leaving the gray lady for brighter, more optimistic futures at the Los Angeles Times is over. As ex-editor Dean Baquet...
There's been a bunch of analyzing, fretting and free advice-giving by staffers at the Times the past couple of days (not to mention Metro reporter Sam Quinones' cheeky email to...
Former LAPD sergeant and Fox 11 reporter Rod Bernsen was arraigned today in federal court and said he will fight the charges that he touched two boys inappropriately on a...
"Day to Day" contributor Jennifer Sharpe has a good piece today on the history and future of the laser light show that opened to huge popularity at Griffith Observatory on...
No challengers filed against City Council members Wendy Greuel, Tom LaBonge and Greig Smith by Saturday's deadline. Minor rivals tentatively filed their intentions to run against Herb Wesson, Bernard Parks...
KB Home CEO Bruce Karatz axed Backdated his stock options to increase his take, an internal investigation found. They're calling it retirement, but he leaves immediately and forfeits $13...
Sunday, Nov. 12
Remember Times publisher David Hiller's email plea on Friday for staffers to think about the newspaper's future? Metro reporter Sam Quinones emailed the entire newsroom his reply, which could be...
Bill Boyarsky, the newest LA Observed contributor, used to be city editor of the Los Angeles Times, wrote a local column called "The Spin" for many years, and created the...
Harry B. Chandler actually worked at the Los Angeles Times, unlike most of his relatives who own shares in Tribune. He was an early proponent of an ambitious Internet strategy,...
David Hiller, the new L.A. Times publisher who pushed out editor Dean Baquet last week, gave $1,000 to the Republican National Committee as recently as 2003. Since 2000, while an...
While I've been away, the Native Intelligence contributors have been doing what they do best: 4-ever X-mas Perpetual Christmas has come to Los Angeles supermarkets, leap-frogging right over that silly...
Highlights from the past week of News & Chatter and the rest of LA Observed: Times publisher lays out the future, invites Dean Baquet out of it. National buzz ensues,...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...

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