The president of these here United States is going to be on the Westside again tomorrow for a Republican fundraiser. UCLA has given its folks a day's notice, in an unhelpfully vague way, that traffic near campus will suffer from 4 to 8 pm. Which side of campus? Which streets? You're on your own.
Transportation Services request notification to campus users that a very important dignitary will be visiting the West LA area. This visit is expected to result in significant traffic congestion throughout the area. Expect considerable delays and plan accordingly.Traffic Officers will be positioned to facilitate traffic flow at key intersections.
Meanwhile, here are details of the impending mess at Highland and Franklin, Hollywood's least fun intersection in the best of times. They can't do anything about the jog from Franklin east to Franklin west, but the city is at least widening Highland. Expect a more painful than usual commute until a few months into 2007. Here's what the project includes:
* Right turn pockets will be constructed on northbound Highland Ave at Franklin Ave (east leg), westbound Franklin Ave (east leg) at Highland Ave, and on eastbound Franklin Ave (west leg) at Highland Ave.* Left turn pocket from Highland Avenue to Franklin Avenue East.
* 45 new street lights, 30 new decorative pedestrian lights, and new traffic signals will be installed.
* 29 Mexican Fan Palm trees will be planted. Five trees will be removed.
Yeah, more palm trees. That's what we need. has more info from the office of Councilman Tom LaBonge, who today gifted Los Angeles Kings broadcaster Bob Miller with a pumpkin bread on live television.