Here are some of the highlights from the past week of LA Observed posts, blog by blog. Click the links to catch up on anything you missed:

Times politics blog misses launch deadline
Antonio to the rescue
Democrats take over public school
Arnold an apologetic ethnologist
Steve Lopez doesn't like La-La Land but LAT does
Resume of a food writer
Speculating on Bratton's future and his rhetoric
Vanity Fair 100's locals
Measure R goes and comes

Disney as great career launcher, the H&M cult, $2.95-a-gallon gas, LAX traffic going down, why Taco Bell misses with Hispanics.

David Rensin writes for his grandfather, three nature walks by Jenny Price, Bob Baker knew the original Gridiron Gang, and a pair of tarantula tales.

David Davis calls out Plaschke on Marion Jones and looks for the 2016 Olympics, David Neiman checks in on the Dodgers rookies, LAT's Olympics expert jumps to NBC.

Turning 66,000 business cards into a fractal object at Machine Project, Six doors to somewhere, Fellowship Park Way.
Plus: The week's worth of Morning Buzz