Arianna Huffington's new book, On Becoming Love, Work and Life, has morphed instantly into a new feature section at the Huffington Post: "...devoted to promoting fearlessness in all aspects of our lives. Using as its springboard the themes in my new book, On Becoming Fearless, the section contains blog posts, news stories, and special features on relationships, work, parenting, health, sex, food, other words, life." There are blog posts from sex writer Susie Bright, Mediabistro maven Laurel Touby and other women, as well as Fearless News, posts on Everyday Fearlessness and a designation of "Men Fearless Women Love" for Rep. Christopher Shays (R-Conn.) Huffington writes:
This is the most personal book I've written, and as its release takes me on a national tour over the next two months I'll be highlighting the many ways the personal intersects with the political. Because the more we learn to overcome the fears that limit us, the more we'll be able to counter the dark forces -- both political and cultural -- looking to keep us shrouded in a fog of fear.
The site also has video of Arianna and a podcast of her reading the book.