Weekly archive
September 3 - September 9, 2006

Friday, Sep. 8
The guest list for Sunday's NBC4 Newsconference might seem like a non sequitur, but there is a theme to it: "courage, fearlessness and leadership" for the fifth anniversary of the...
Once again a politician caught being himself in an unguarded moment says he has no idea how such words would ever come out of his mouth. Gov. Schwarzenegger apologized for...
The state's 2nd District Court of Appeals stayed a judge's order yesterday that the City Council's term limits measure should be taken off the November ballot. It stays on pending...
Forget the odd looking baby. Vanity Fair's October issue has the doubled-in-size VF 100, successor to the annual New Establishment roster. Rupert Murdoch tops the list, followed by Google founders...
Variety is changing Today's edition is a Fall Fashion issue — with some dishing on designers of movie clothing — AND a food issue with a lead piece on...
Thursday, Sep. 7
The governor of California, discussing the only Latina Republican in the state Legislature with chief of staff Susan Kennedy: "She seems to me like Cuban," Schwarzenegger says. "She's not Mexican,"...
Today's feature in the Times on the Silver Lake home where Rupert Pole lived with the writer Anais Nin is the best chance I'll ever get to link to this...
Changes are happening at LatinoLA.com. The site, billed as "your online guide to LatinoL.A.," gathers together a rich array of community links, articles and event listings each week and has...
At age 82, classical music critic Alan Rich could be expected to look down over his bifocals at the newbies who come along on his beat. And at that age,...
Don't go looking for the new Los Angeles Times blog that was supposed to launch today as part of a new website, California Politics, per managing editor Doug Frantz's memo...
Catching up with the day... Forget the term limits vote for November. Superior Court Judge Robert H. O'Brien took the City Council's measure off the ballot, ruling — as City...
On Tuesday, News and Chatter noted that James Ellroy's copies of the Steve Hodel book, Black Dahlia Avenger, appear to be for sale on eBay. In today's CityBeat, Ellroy elaborates...
Amy Scattergood is going full-time on the staff of the Los Angeles Times Food section. She might a be a trifle overqualified, judging by today's memo from Michalene Busico, the...
Posting at News and Chatter will resume this afternoon. New on LA Observed: LA Biz Observed: The cult of H&M, an update on Tower Records' financial problems, Redstone rejects Katzenberg...
Wednesday, Sep. 6
After Steve Lopez's column today ragging on the New York Times for using La-La Land in a piece about Amy Wilentz — calling it a cliche favored by New Yorkers...
There'll be a whole lotta shakin' going on Thursday morning when Jerry Lee Lewis drops in on the KCRW studios. I'm told he will be the guest of Nic Harcourt...
At yesterday's Angelides and Villaraigosa rally in South Los Angeles, I sat for a time with Pilar Marrero, the political columnist and Features Editor for La Opinión. In today's paper...
I haven't checked back to compare his past talk, but it feels like LAPD Chief William Bratton has been cranking up the rhetoric. In his latest monthly missive on the...
Los Angeles Times metro columnist Steve Lopez just had to pen a column on the latest round of misplaced New York Times journalism on L.A. The recent William Bratton profile...
Santa Monica farmers market deaths Jury selection began in the manslaughter trial of George Weller, the elderly driver who killed ten people when he drove through barricades into the...
Don't ever engage Times reporter Kurt Streeter in a friendly tennis match. He trained as a teenager with 14-year-old Andre Agassi, and made the future champion cry. He writes in...
Tuesday, Sep. 5
A New Republic piece critical of the County Human Relations Commission for honoring Maher Hathout of the Muslim Public Affairs Council has fueled opposition from the American Jewish Committee,...
Mayor Villaraigosa stumped for fading Democratic contender Phil Angelides today in San Francisco and in South Los Angeles, but it was the mayor's quick thinking this afternoon at Foshay Learning...
Over at LA Biz Observed, Mark Lacter serves up a full plate of morning-after-Labor Day headlines including the abrupt departure of Tom Freston from the big office at Viacom. Don't...
Arianna Huffington's new book, On Becoming Fearless...in Love, Work and Life, has morphed instantly into a new feature section at the Huffington Post: "...devoted to promoting fearlessness in all aspects...
Journalists at the Santa Barbara News-Press are holding another press conference outside the newspaper today, this time to complain that eleven staffers have been suspended for trying to present a...
LAPD chief William Bratton could be headed for Scotland Yard or the mayor's office — of New York City. Or he could stick around Los Angeles for another five-year term....
One of the surprising things about retired LAPD detective Steve Hodel's 2003 book arguing that his father killed Elizabeth Short was that James Ellroy endorsed the theory in his introduction...
Times profile of Jerry Vlasak The spokesman for the Animal Liberation Front and founder, with his wife, of the Animal Defense League of Los Angeles works as a trauma...
Nita Lelyveld gets the nod, replacing Washington-bound editor John Hoeffel. She became an editor in Metro last year. Yes, she is the offspring of retired New York Times executive editor...
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LA Biz Observed
2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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