Ten posts from the feed reader...
- Daily News sports columnist Tom Hoffarth blogs about the Beatles' penultimate road concert, forty years ago today at Dodger Stadium. It was a Bob Eubanks/KRLA production like the earlier Hollywood Bowl shows. He posts photos, the poster and links to a bootleg video on YouTube. Via Dodger Thoughts.
- Nice photos of the Barnsdall Art Park at The Jimson Weed Gazette: "Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for heiress Aline Barnsdall, it was envisioned by her to be an arts center for the people of Los Angeles. Somehow, this is what it still manages to be, deep in the skanky heart of East Hollywood."
- Celia of 5th and Spring no longer lives at that eponymous downtown intersection. She has moved to my favorite downtown rooftop.
- Press deputy Josh Kamensky, pinch-blogging for Council President Eric Garcetti, reveals a legally unnecessary plot turn in Quinceañeara.
- Tyler Green of Modern Art Notes enjoyed the Robert Rauschenberg: Combines exhibition at MOCA, but not the museum's policy banning note-taking in ink in the galleries.
- Transplanted Los Angeles writer-blogger Carolyn Kellogg began school in Pittsburgh today.
- When Dreamworks comes to Broadway things change, Edward notices at View from a Loft.
- The Best 90-Cent Cup of Coffee in LA comes from a vending machine outside the weight room at the LAPD Academy, says Atwater Village Newbie.
- L.A. is My Beat's Ellen Bloom stopped in at Philippe's after a morning of shopping in Burbank and ran into Charles Phoenix and Pee-Wee Herman chowing down together.
- Cindy at Lotería Chicana lives on the Westside but can't stand the traffic, lack of good tacos, being unable to make local calls without first dialing 310 — "and then there’s a shortage of independent coffee houses."

Speaking of Westside traffic, it's the subject of a bunch of today's emails to LA Observed.