Lawyer Helen Zukin is City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo's newest appointee to the City Ethics Commission. Zukin, a temporary judge in the Los Angeles County Superior Court system, previously chaired the State Bar’s Commission on Judicial Nominees Evaluation. She has contributed money in the past to Mayor Villaraigosa's 2001 campaign and that year also donated to Mike Feuer, who narrowly lost to Delgadillo. The FEC website shows she gave to Dick Gephardt, Joe Lieberman and John Kerry for the 2004 presidential race and last year donated $1,000 to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. Zukin, if confirmed, would replace Rabbi Uri Herscher, whose term expired last month
Also from Delgadillo: TVK24 anchor and news reporter Cindy Shin is leaving the Korean station to join Delgadillo's press office. She speaks Korean and starts August 1.