Weekly archive
July 9 - July 15, 2006

Saturday, Jul. 15
On his Angry Poodle blog at the Santa Barbara Independent, Nick Welsh breaks the news that ex-News-Press columnist Barney Brantingham has been served with a cease-and-desist letter demanding he stop...
Billionaire philanthropist Eli Broad sent Mayor Villaraigosa a letter critical of the mayor's schools compromise for muddying the control issues. Broad's foundation has provided key aides to Villaraigosa's staff and...
Friday, Jul. 14
Slugger Barry Bonds' lawyers are preparing for the San Francisco Giant to be indicted in federal court as soon as next week. The charges could be perjury or tax evasion....
The Chronicle of Philanthropy has a new job posting of some importance to Mayor Villaraigosa and his Los Angeles Unified School District ambitions: Position: Superintendent of Schools Organization: Los Angeles...
From Associated Press and Yahoo in the post below....
Lucinda Michele Knapp, managing editor of the L.A. Alternative, nominates S.A. Griffin as Beat avatar and should-be poet laureate of Los Angeles. Her cover story in today's issue includes history...
At today's demonstration and rally outside the Santa Barbara News-Press offices, I'm told that most of the paper's reporters many newsroom staffers including several reporters stood by with tape over...
It's a lazy Friday in July so why not post a little travel writing, even if it is about home. Notes from the Road calls itself "a project in experimental...
Members of Southern California Transit Advocates like to challenge themselves — and explore the region — by taking long group excursions on public transit. They have gone as far as...
Jim Benning, who edits the travel website World Hum, wrote about lucha libre wrestling in Tijuana for last Sunday's Washington Post. It’s Friday night in a small Tijuana arena, the...
If you watch traffic maps online or listen to radio reports, the earliest freeway snarls are often out in western Riverside County where commuters get up early and begin slogging...
LA Frog refers to herself as "Parisian euro-pudding whose karma ran over her dogma. Met a California surfer dude, traded high heels for flip flops and crossed the world to...
Chief Bratton's long honeymoon with the City Council appears to be over, there were two more murders on South Robertson while the mayor was in the neighborhood, and we now...
Are they: Early L.A. stage actorsElected officialsCaltech scientistsReporters at the L.A. Record, circa 1905 Answer follows....
Thursday, Jul. 13
It was a big news day around the Santa Barbara News-Press situation. Here is some of what I've confirmed tonight: Star investigative reporter Scott Hadly joined the exodus, according to...
Well maybe you will, but it's an interview with the indefatigable, if media shy, Romenesko himself in Hyperlink magazine at Northwestern’s Medill School of Journalism. He's 52 and lives in...
Buttons began in burlesque, had his own TV show in the early 1950s and won a supporting actor Academy Award for the 1957 film Sayonara, which starred Marlon Brando. His...
The News-Press has posted openings for reporters, design editor, business editor and assistant city editor on JournalismJobs.com. The biz editor needs two whole years of experience. You can bet they...
Barney Brantingham, the "beloved" longtime columnist of the Santa Barbara News-Press, explains why he accompanied all of the top editors in resigning in a piece published in this week's free...
After El Vaquero reported accurately last month on two suicides by students in the nursing program, Glendale College president John Davitt complained that the story reflected poorly on the institution....
Every summer it seems the whale boat captains talk up sightings of blue whales out in the channel. This year Channel 4 has video....
I knew that the threatened Nickelodeon Theatre had a lengthy history in Hollywood, but I had rushed out Tuesday's Morning Buzz item without researching all of the past. Several readers...
Welcome to The Newshour with Jim Lehrer on KCET.org and PublicAffairs Books....
In today's feast are a couple more reasons not to get hurt in this town, plus a narrow victory for the mayor's school plan, a departing county official of some...
Wednesday, Jul. 12
Excuse the Wrong Coast diversion, but this is too cool to pass up. Spotted on the L.A.-rooted Boing Boing (posted by Angeleno Xeni Jardin): Today, if it is clear, Manhattan...
The collection of close-to-home travel narratives titled My California has been newly chosen as the One City, One Book pick for Whittier, Santa Barbara and Sacramento. The collaborators at CalforniaAuthors.com...
Chris Ayres writes in his L.A. Notebook for the Times of London that going native is one of the worst career moves a foreign correspondent can make. "It is a...
Rampart and LAPD news rules today, including more details on the off-duty officer shot and critically wounded by his young son. Also: what was the hot, twisted piece of metal...
Tuesday, Jul. 11
Came across a nice shot of the council chambers at City Hall the way it (and the elected members) looked during President Franklin Roosevelt's first term. The caption info identifies...
News and observations from around town, mostly off the police beat today: Chief Bratton told KPCC's Patt Morrison that an internal investigation is looking into reports of overfly forceful LAPD...
Alexandra Zavis comes from the Johannesburg bureau of Associated Press. Memo to the staff from foreign editor Marjorie Miller follows:...
Orange County Register reporter Valeria Godines is in the midst of a courageous five-part series disclosing her personal battle with bipolar disorder. Brainstorm opens on the day in 2004 when...
The founder of the Coalition Against Police Abuse and former Black Panther died Sunday at home in Pasadena. A longtime activist and police critic in Los Angeles and Pasadena, Zinzun...
Top jobs are still open, but the acting publisher whose DUI case was ordered covered up promoted three editors from within and named a "contributing business editor." Business Wire release,...
This morning on KPCC's "Airtalk," Prof. Robert Bruegmann will explain and probably defend his thesis that "sprawl is not the worst thing that ever happened to the nation's cities. In...
We're in a blood shortage, folks. Give if you can. The old Aquarius Theatre in Hollywood is eyed by re-developers, a huge bill to fix up L.A.'s jails, sleeping on...
Monday, Jul. 10
The Dodgers' Brad Penny today was named as starting pitcher for tomorrow's All-Star Game. One of the guys he was traded to Los Angeles for in 2004, Paul Lo Duca,...
CityWatch is out with an extra edition on the weekend election of downtown activist Brady Westwater as chair of the Neighborhood Council Congress. Westwater (right, with vice chair Jim Alger)...
Lawyer Helen Zukin is City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo's newest appointee to the City Ethics Commission. Zukin, a temporary judge in the Los Angeles County Superior Court system, previously chaired the...
Red-light cameras will be turned on in August at two intersections, LADOT officials said today. The first two corners where tickets will be issued are Laurel Canyon at Ventura boulevards...
Movie City News has added rough, uncut video interviews to its mix of blogs. Up currently is a three-part chat with Vinessa Shaw, who strolls self-consciously through Palisades Park in...
Channel 4 unveils "The Local Story: Summer Edition" at 3 pm., with L.A. news veteran Ross Becker anchoring. Toni Guinyard, formerly of KCET's "Life & Times" and KCAL, is the...
Seven members of a family hiking at Hansen Dam in Lake View Terrace had to be rescued by LAFD helicopter Sunday night after becoming stuck in mud and sinking "nearly...
As usual the day begins with a meaty meal of news briefs and observations — the Morning Buzz. Come on inside after you check out some of these LA Observed...
Sunday, Jul. 9
It's easy. You're the captain of your national team in the final minutes of the final match of the World Cup. The score is tied, and as your side's legendary...
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LA Biz Observed
2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
Business Guides for Companies – Effective business articles that will improve your business.
Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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