LAist editor Carolyn Kellogg is leaving our fair city and the blog for the MFA program in creative writing at the University of Pittsburgh. She writes in her farewell missive, posted yesterday:
What does that mean for LAist? A lot and not so much. In terms of a lot, our big daddy Gothamist has plans for the site. If I told you what they are, I'd have to kill you, so for now let's just say there may be some big changes this summer. But not so much because in the meantime, the dutiful LAist contributors will continue to post. Be nice to them. Give them tips. They're working hard.
Me, I won't be starting Pitt-ist (or Burgh-ist — I don't even know the nickname of my new city yet.) I'll be doing some posts here until the time I leave, but you'll sense my presence fading away (so if you want to get in any last-minute digs, KneeJerk, you better hurry). Thanks to everyone for coming to read LAist and add your two cents while I've been at the helm. I think our contributors' writing is fantastic and I know I'll be reading from Pittsburgh, trying to stave off homesickness.
Until then, if you've got any spare moving boxes, I'm looking.
Gothamist is the fifteen-city blog network founded in New York by Jake Dobkin and Jen Chung. Congrats to Carolyn, who I thought did a really nice job with LAist. Her personal blog Pinky's Paperhaus is chock full of podcasts with authors, local and otherwise.
Photo: LAist