Weekly archive
June 25 - July 1, 2006

Thursday, Jun. 29
LA Observed plans to take advantage of the holiday calendar and call a first hiatus of the summer. Per the server stats it's been a record-setting month already: the first...
In the Thursday Styles section of the New York Times, Sharon Waxman laments that so many male feet in Los Angeles—by which she means Hollywood—are showing up at work and...
Los Angeles airport chief Lydia Kennard today described $1.2 billion worth of coming improvements to LAX: an expanded Bradley International Terminal, realignment of the southernmost runway to improve safety and...
Daily Telegraph correspondent Catherine Elsworth returned to her post in West Hollywood from a trip home to the U.K. with a serious jones for David Beckham and England's World Cup...
The Morning Buzz had an item the other day about a large flock of Caspian and elegant terns—rarely seen here—colonizing two rock barges in Long Beach Harbor. Today comes word...
Boi from Troy is checking out a report that the male yell leaders won't be back on the sidelines at Trojans football games this fall. Known officially as “yell leaders”...
Brad Friedman's Los Angeles-based liberal blog has been all over the vote irregularity issues in the Busby-Bilbray congressional race in San Diego County. Friedman is scheduled to appear tonight on...
Copley Press Inc. of San Diego says it is "exploring strategic alternatives" that could include selling the Daily Breeze, Palos Verdes Peninsula News and The Beach Reporter. Not just talk—the...
Yesterday's Morning Buzz mentioned FishbowlLA's search for a staffer to replace the "guest blogger" who has been holding the fort. Later in the day, this week's guest blogger, one of...
Yesterday's almost entirely positive media story on Nikki Finke gets another day in the news, thanks to her insistence that the piece by Jon Friedman of Marketwatch was "misogynist" and...
The Daily News' Mariel Garza blogs about the physical effects of trading her car for the bus this month. I have two blisters on my left foot -- one on...
Lots of coverage out of City Hall and on the mayor's school plan, plus new Los Angeles World Airports chief Lydia Kennard gives a big briefing today at noon. Click...
Wednesday, Jun. 28
Back in February, some will remember, I linked to video game re-creations of old Southern California amusements like Busch Gardens, Jungleland, Nu Pike and the Beverly pony rides. Mark Paul...
Marketwatch media columnist Jon Friedman got columnist-blogger Nikki Finke to come out to lunchdinner with him in Santa Monica and calls her "a rarity at a time when many entertainment...
Marilyn W. Thompson becomes the national investigative editor, based in Washington, on September 1. She is currently editor and vice president of the Lexington (Ky.) Herald-Leader and had been assistant...
Come on in, look around. It's easy—just click on the red Buzz....
Tuesday, Jun. 27
Speaking of Animal Services, the department recently accepted an offer from Hooters to throw a benefit bikini contest. Hooters has done it for other animal causes, and for this one...
Michael Walker at Laurel Canyon the Book hopes the cat run over on Barham Boulevard wasn't the one that had been using his lower deck. He also points to a...
Vandenberg Air Force Base announced that tonight's Delta 4 rocket launch is scheduled for a more-exact 8:14 pm. Countdown has started, but fueling was suspended because of high winds on...
The Los Angeles Department of Animal Services—whose chief, Ed Boks, has a blog—has begun giving websites a little piece of code that will display a pitch to adopt specific pets...
They give up on Jae Seo in a trade with the Devil Rays for sub-.500 veteran lefty Mark Hendrickson, who appears to have made a breakthrough this season (in that...
It happened Sunday night on Woodale Avenue in Arleta, says the Daily News' Susan Abram. Filimon Ramos was killed and his 19-year-old son wounded, apparently by a neighbor who had...
I guess LATimes.com admired last week's Ghana hed on ESPN so much—as I did on Thursday—that they decided to borrow it for the top of the page today. A soccer...
Tribune CEO Dennis FitzSimon's so-called town meeting with Los Angeles Times employees this morning is being held in the Norman Chandler Auditorium. It's named for the late patriarch of the...
Mayor Villaraigosa and the MTA unions will announce—and I quote—a "historic settlement" at the transit agency's office tower at 1:15 this afternoon. The mayor's office says it's historic because it's...
Big bunch of news nuggets this morning—click on the Buzz to come inside. Tonight is the satellite launch over the Pacific, which can make for an interesting sunset display if...
Monday, Jun. 26
Civil rights lawyer Stephen Yagman made bail on income tax evasion charges after spending part of Friday in jail and returned to his office on the Venice Beach boardwalk, where...
The so-called 912 Commission is charged with reviewing, evaluating and making recommendations to improve the nascent neighborhood council system. Mayor Villaraigosa named his fourteen appointees today, half of them from...
New York Times executive editor Bill Keller this morning distributed a statement on the paper's publication of details about the CIA-Treasury Department program of tracing financial transactions by suspected terrorists....
I haven't mentioned it much because it's frankly kind of lame, but for 111 days the Times has kept two goldfish in an aquarium supposedly living on water taken from...
KCRW music host Chris Douridas will NOT be charged with kidnapping or a sex crime in connection with his arrest on suspicion of drugging a 14-year-old girl at Santa Monica's...
If it's clear tomorrow night, start eyeing the western sky after 7 pm. Vandenberg has scheduled the launch of a Delta IV rocket between 19:00 and 21:00 PDT carrying a...
Tribune CEO Dennis J. FitzSimons is dropping in on the L.A. Times tomorrow for a "town hall" meeting with employees. (With the cutbacks I think it's more of a neighborhood...
Following the news in this morning's Wall Street Journal (and in the Morning Buzz), Rafat Ali makes announcements about his deal for financing at paidContent.org. The site based here covers...
Overnight thunder and lightning, one of the rarer pleasures of L.A. summer. Thoroughly enjoyed here in Mar Vista until the following shower chased me and my computer indoors off the...
Sunday, Jun. 25
As Mariel Garza notes in today's Daily News, Saturday will mark Antonio Villaraigosa's anniversary as mayor. With murmurs out of Sacramento that the mayor's school compromise may be no sure...
• Developer and big-time Villaraigosa contributor Richard Meruelo was banned from building on his land near Union Station for five years for tearing down some dilapidated structures without permits, as...
Last night at the Biltmore the L.A. Press Club bestowed its awards for the year. Selected winners: Journalists of the Year: Barbara Demick, Los Angeles Times Anat Rubin, Los Angeles...
Antonio Villaraigosa added another first to his resume on Saturday. He became the only mayor to play in the annual Hollywood Stars softball game at Dodger Stadium. Along with Lou...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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