Weekly archive
June 11 - June 17, 2006

Friday, Jun. 16
Well I lied; my desk is anything but clear. Here are some final news notes from the day though. Have a good weekend: • The Times replies to this morning's...
The longtime producer of Lakers broadcasts became a household name in Los Angeles through mentions on the air by Chick Hearn. She has been let go, but the two sports...
Janelle Brown talks to occupants about what it's like living in Case Study homes or the classic Victorians on Carroll Avenue, given all the tours and tourists that come by....
Britney Spears (of the Malibu Spears-Federlines) has shown interest in having her baby in Namibia too, so she can "avoid the media glare" just like Brad and Angelina....
MSNBC is getting a divorce from the Connie Chung-Maury Povich team. The Saturday chat experiment "Weekends with Connie and Maury" didn't work out and will come to a merciful end...
Gawker hears a bit more detail about what soured Erik Wemple on the job of running the Village Voice under Mike Lacey and the New Timesniks. Yesterday, you might remember,...
An LAPD officer on his way to work at 2:30 am had stopped to help at a wreck near Disneyland when his motorcycle was rammed by an SUV. He's in...
After two weeks of riding the MTA, Daily News columnist and editorial writer Mariel Garza blogs that she drove her car. "I need to drive for work," I told myself....
Peacefire.org, which keeps track of the political websites and other non-sexual sites that are blocked by content filters, sent a note to subscribers saying that its own website can't be...
Click on the Buzz and take a peek around at the top news of the day in Los Angeles, plus some politics, a couple of new blogs and good reasons...
Thursday, Jun. 15
Among the gifts that President George W. Bush received from foreign governments in 2004—along with a braided leather whip from the prime minister of Hungary and revolvers from Jordan's King...
Chief Bratton posted an item on the LAPD blog that lauds today's Daily News editorial backing his hiring standards. The chief's message could also be read as mildly chiding Councilmembers...
Not that folks at the LA Weekly should be alarmed or anything, but once Erik Wemple got to the Village Voice he decided he didn't want to be editor after...
• Controller Laura Chick says her staff has discovered that vendors owe the city close to $500,000 in outstanding payments. • Staffers at the Los Angeles Alternative are muttering that...
A day after the Chandler family breakup demand hit the news, Tribune CEO Dennis FitzSimons sent a rebuttal from independent members of the Tribune board to staffers at his newspapers...
Unable to conclude the search for a chancellor at UCLA, the University of California today said that professor emeritus of law Norman Abrams will become acting chancellor. Abrams has been...
Mariel Garza has moved her observations about riding the bus from her personal blog onto a sanctioned Daily News spot. Steve Rosenberg, a copy editor on the Daily News features...
The July issue of Los Angeles magazine (not online) has a piece by Kim Masters on Paramount's Brad Grey and by David Ferrell on the giant Rose Hills cemetery. Steve...
Lots of news, a Mel Gibson reference, some Media Notes and Gustavo Arellano on the irrational fear of MEChA. Click the Buzz for entry to the inner sanctum....
Wednesday, Jun. 14
The TSA's security director at Los Angeles International Airport told city officials that the long waits in line outside terminals 1 and 4 are a thing of the past. Under...
The Chandler family called for breaking up the Tribune Company into separate newspaper and television units, and possibly selling off the papers. A strongly worded letter filed with the SEC...
Carol J. Williams was put on a military flight out of Guantanamo Bay along with reporters for the Miami Herald and Charlotte Observer, on orders from Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's...
No one even says the paper is for sale, but Eli Broad, Ron Burkle and Peter Ueberroth "reaffirmed this week their interest in bidding for the country's fourth-largest daily newspaper"...
Thanks for your suggestions and comments (mostly very positive) about the Morning Buzz. Still tweaking the design some. As you'll see after the jump....
Tuesday, Jun. 13
I've lost count of how many departures from the Los Angeles Business Journal have been recorded on LA Observed. The latest turnover should get more attention than most. Andy Fixmer,...
Newspaper editors and reporters are all doing it—taking note of which stories top the most-emailed list and get the most website hits—but everybody denies that it influences news judgment. "What...
• Warren Olney devotes tonight's "Which Way, L.A.?" on KCRW to the South Central Community Gardens evictions. Guests include Daniel Hernandez of the LA Weekly, Robert Gottlieb of Occidental College,...
That sunbather run over and killed on the beach in Oxnard was Cindy Conolly, 49, of Sioux City, Iowa. She was staying with her fiance at the Embassy Suites Mandalay...
Dispatch from Koreatown: It's 8:42 am and Wilshire Blvd. In Koreatown is choked with traffic, as are all the side streets, after a World Cup soccer match with South Korea...
Sheriff's deputies arrived in force at the South Central Community Garden this morning to carry out court-ordered evictions and make arrests. IndyMedia posted a first bulletin at 5:20 am and...
Bit of a new look to the Morning Buzz. Should be more useful, but comments pro and con are appreciated. Just click on the Buzz to see what's on tap...
Monday, Jun. 12
A police SUV patrolling the beach in Oxnard ran over and killed a woman lying on the sand. The officers didn't discover what happened until later. The officers, who were...
Came across a website that bills itself as A People’s Guide to LA: "an attempt to map sites of racial and class struggle in Los Angeles’ history and landscape." Sites...
Last week's Los Angeles Times investigative series on judges in Las Vegas was impressive as a piece of reporting, but a bad sign for the paper, writes Jeffrey Brody, professor...
Click on the Buzz for a fix of news and links. And if you're a little behind, here are some of the best posts from the very busy past week...
This week's Los Angeles Alternative goes where few of us would dare tread: restaurants that earned the health department's dreaded C grade. They wouldn't risk their own staffers, of course—they...
Sunday, Jun. 11
The Daily News is calling for readers to send in a 300-word column on the Dodgers, with the chance to win a later assignment to cover a home game at...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
Business Guides for Companies – Effective business articles that will improve your business.
Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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