The show backed and aired by California's public television stations returns for its fifth season tonight at 8:30 on KCET. Lisa McRee remains as "California Connected" host, but there's a new look, a new executive producer—nine-time Emmy winner Bret Marcus, formerly of NBC News—and new reporters including ABC veteran (and USC prof) Judy Muller. Also on the team are Bob Jimenez (formerly of NBC News), Craig Miller (contributing correspondent/producer of "America’s Heartland"), Stephanie O’Neal (National Public Radio) and John Ridley (filmmaker/novelist/NPR commentator.) "California Connected" (website) is produced at KCET's Sunset Boulevard studios, but it has an on-the-road format with the crew cruising the state in a big blue RV. Looks like tonight's show features segments on environmental issues at the Imperial County sand dunes, illegal drag racing and the safe haven law for abandoned newborns. (* Well: The "California Connected" website's list of stories is apparently out of date; I'm told tonight's first show has pieces on port security and life as an undocumented worker.)
Photo of Lisa McRee: California Connected