Weekly archive
April 16 - April 22, 2006

Saturday, Apr. 22
Former LAPD chief Ed Davis died tonight in San Luis Obispo after suffering a bout of pneumonia. He took over the department in 1969 when Tom Reddin stepped down to...
Sunday's New York Times has a piece about the origin of the friendship between supermarket czar Ron Burkle and former President Bill Clinton. dating it to the aftermath of the...
Friday, Apr. 21
Editor Charles Crumpley has started reading highlights of the coming week's Los Angeles Business Journal. In the issue dated April 24 are stories on, among other things, William Morris making...
♦ Michael Hiltzik's previous gaffe involving invasion of colleagues' email privacy when he was stationed in the Times' Moscow bureau is now making the rounds of conservative bloggers delighted by...
The fifth issue of Black Clock, the literary journal edited by Steve Erickson and published by California Institute of the Arts, focuses on Los Angeles fiction reaching from "the Hollywood...
Thursday, Apr. 20
Media reaction to the Hiltzik blog disclosure, a city budget with money for more cops, some awards, some obits and General Zinni is in town. Much more after the jump......
City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo's quest to become the attorney general of California just isn't picking up much momentum. The Field Poll out today shows former governor Jerry Brown with a...
Spotted today at a gas station in Beverly Hills. It's for full service and high octane. There's no brand or location given in the AP photo caption. (Via blogging.la) Photo:...
This notice is posted at the top of Michael Hiltzik's Golden State blog on the Los Angeles Times website: The Times has suspended Michael Hiltzik’s Golden State blog on latimes.com....
Bob Kholos was a KMPC and Radio News West radio reporter in Los Angeles who became the first press secretary for newly elected mayor Tom Bradley in 1973. At a...
Outsourcing — A memo going around the L.A. Times says the paper plans to outsource graphics work to India for a two-month trial, starting with classified ads in the...
Exhilarated after an AA meeting, Daniel Barth celebrated two years of sobriety by jumping off the Manhattan Beach pier, intending to swim to shore. He didn't make it. Runner up:...
Look behind just about any big story in Los Angeles and crisis PR guy Michael Sitrick is usually there, quietly working the media on behalf of, say, Cardinal Roger Mahony...
Liberal L.A. Times columnist-blogger Michael Hiltzik and conservative prosecutor-blogger Patterico have been butting heads and online personas ever since the former joined the blogosphere last October. Even earlier, perhaps, if...
Budget day for the mayor, bad news in the LAT for Cardinal Mahony, the LA Weekly profiles half of Los Angeles and Dean Singleton closes in on three Norcal newspapers....
OK, bear with me. Los Angeles billionaire Ron Burkle has been in the news a lot lately for 1) His divorce, 2) His interest in buying the new McClatchy newspapers,...
Wednesday, Apr. 19
These are the two stories above the fold on the front page of today's Los Angeles Loyolan, the student newspaper at Loyola Marymount. You know, the nice sedate Catholic school...
♦ Longtime L.A. radio reporter and anchor Hettie Lynne Hurtes is joining KPCC as mid-day anchor. Her film credits include roles in Terminator and Throw Momma from the Train. ♦...
The photo shows longtime Los Angeles journalist Frank Swertlow, on the case for People outside the Tom Cruise home recently—as reported at Gawker. The New York gossip site explains: "Sent...
I pull together a lot of the coverage of the mayor's schools plan—it's after the jump, along with students living in the USC library, Chief Bratton and the street homeless,...
Tuesday, Apr. 18
Mayor Villaraigosa came up with some surprises in the school takeover details tucked into his State of the City rally speech this evening. He proposed a school board with diminished...
A woman who lives in the Country Club Park area of Mid-City has come down with the first human case of bubonic plague in Los Angeles County since 1984. Health...
Deb Nelson, who has led the resurgence in investigative reporting by the Washington Bureau of the Los Angeles Times, is leaving for a job in academia at the University of...
Los Angeles Kings CEO Tim Lieweke meets the media at 1 pm at the Toyota Health Center in El Segundo to, ahem, "announce major changes to the Kings hockey operations...
One hundred years ago this morning, California's most destructive earthquake—and worst natural disaster—devastated San Francisco. The 7.9 magnitude quake on the San Andreas fault ruptured the ground for three hundred...
What would the Morning Buzz be without items on Villaraigosa and Pellicano—not together though...Also mentioned below are Lisa Bonder Kerkorian, Charles Champlin, Luc Robitaille, Barbara Demick, Michael Hiltzik, Evan Maxwell,...
Monday, Apr. 17
Speaking of mispronouncing City Hall names, I listened tonight to the audio stream of LAPD chief Bill Bratton taking calls on the "Ask the Chief" segment on this afternoon's Patt...
♦ West L.A. Online suggests a trade: a new FBI building in Westwood in exchange for federal support to build the Wilshire subway. ♦ Mayor Villaraigosa has really been working the angles...
With every passing day it becomes less common to hear the mayor's name mangled as Veela-ga-rosa or Veeya-gree-osa. By the time he runs for president, everybody should have the pronunciation...
Prosecutors threw the book at Swedish bad-boy Stefan Eriksson today, alleging he was alone behind the wheel—and legally drunk—when he crashed a stolen Enzo Ferrari at 162 miles an hour...
Die Hard director John McTiernan, the top Hollywood name to be charged in the Pellicano wiretapping case, appeared in court today on the charge of lying to the government and...
Perhaps there was something to the John Carroll effect. In the first year that the Pulitzer-board favorite is not editor of the Los Angeles Times, the paper is shut out...
The U.S. Supreme Court this morning refused to hear Cardinal Roger M. Mahony's request to keep archdiocese personnel files confidential, so he must give prosecutors the files of priests Michael...
Both the Sunday New York Times and the current LA Weekly devote column inches to understanding the phenomenon that is (or at least was, until recently) Amanda Scheer-Demme. They might...
For Times of London correspondent Chris Ayres, the term "management of Los Angeles International Airport" evokes a picture of William H. Macy pushing pencils in a cubicle. The airport's image...
It's Pulitzer day in newsrooms, UTLA day on the school reform front, and rehearse for the big speech day in the mayor's office. Today's Morning Buzz also touches MediaNews Group,...
Selected items from the past week on LA Observed... A Caitlin Flanagan two-fer Channel 2 bans fragrance and VNRs RJ Smith on L.A. and music Channel 5 and the ethics...
Sunday, Apr. 16
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa hasn't had a lot to say about immigration lately. It wasn't high on his agenda until 500,000 or more people marched through downtown. He did a media...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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