Weekly archive
April 2 - April 8, 2006

Saturday, Apr. 8
The Swedish millionaire in the Ferrari Enzo that crashed at high speed on Pacific Coast Highway...who claimed a mysterious German named Dietrich ran into the Malibu hills...who claimed to be...
Retired Dodgers first baseman Steve Garvey makes his living giving speeches about honor and integrity. In real life, it turns out he is a chiseler who stiffs the help, walks...
Happy days are over for the last A&W Root Beer stand in Southern California that still offers car-hop service. It has been at 1267 W. Holt Boulevard in Ontario since...
Friday, Apr. 7
Light posting this weekend, but first... ♦ Michael Sonnenschein exits as co-editor of FishbowlLA. He bids farewell on the blog, and Claude Brodesser gives marching orders for the new regime....
Lots of City Hall tongues clucking about the news (published in the Daily Breeze) that Stacey Jones, the #2 exec at the Port of Los Angeles, is leaving after 25...
A reader emails that the Donald Trump sign hanging from the Convention Center downtown to catch the eye of drivers on the Santa Monica and Harbor freeways is the most...
David Peters, 39, and Delilah Clarino, 41, both of Lancaster, were arrested after a pipe bomb was found under the front seat of their car during a traffic stop. That...
Channel 2's website does a little feature on a Saturday morning pickup softball game in West L.A. that has been around for thirty years. An architect, photographer and some Hollywood...
From the student newspaper at victorious MIT, via Susan Kitchens at 2020 Hindsight....
The credit tag at the end of the LAT story on the Mammoth Mountain tragedy includes one Jeffrey M. Johnson. Who's that? Well he's the publisher of the paper. He...
The good guy in Robert S. Levinson's new mystery, Where the Lies Begin, is an elected member of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. Nicknamed Duke, he used to...
If it's not the laws trying to publicize his assets, it's a gossip journalist trying to blackmail him. The New York Post says that a freelancer on its Page Six...
Worst news yet for the Dodgers, but at least they're not the Kings...There's going to be a Hahn-era reunion in court...L.A. loves the Klimts...Rep. Millender-MacDonald finally denies being sick...Cory Doctorow...
Thursday, Apr. 6
The Los Angeles Sheriff's Department has begun deploying a pilotless drone called SkySeer for rescue operations and tracking "persons of interest." The craft was developed by Chang Industries, according to...
♦ Authorities released surveillance tape of suspects in the killing of Deputy Maria Rosa. ♦ Opening statements in Dowie-Stodder trial. ♦ Three ski patrol members at Mammoth Mountain died when...
No, really—a rodent, possibly a rat or a mouse, tried to crawl up the leg of a passenger on the American Airlines redeye from LAX to New York City last...
Downtown's largest property owner gets his name in the media again—this time coming into the sights of LA Weekly investigative reporter Jeffrey Anderson for razing a new, possibly toxic purchase...
It's official now that Kim Murphy is moving to the London bureau of the Los Angeles Times, replacing the newly departed John Daniszewski. Memo follows:...
Three Los Angeles TV stations are fingered in a Center for Media and Democracy report out today critical of news operations that package video releases from sources and PR agencies...
Left unsaid in today's LAT story on the mystery illness of Rep. Juanita Millender-McDonald is that her son was in federal court in Pasadena yesterday appealing his conviction on corruption...
According to the BBC's David Willis, Claude the security guard at the gate of The Prospect Studios in Hollywood was nice to the right casting director enough times for it...
Former Los Angeles Times staff writer Evan Maxwell left daily journalism two decades ago to fashion a successful career as a romance novelist with his wife Ann Maxwell. Now living...
Selective news judgment on Derek Lowe...mysterious illness of a local congresswoman...the mayor and the Chinese vice premier...plus yet another Hollywood media blog, an L.A. blog award, a bloggy romance and...
A jury in Orange County ruled that City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo improperly retaliated against a deputy in his office and ordered the city to pay $1.5 million to Lynn Magnandonovan....
From the editors of zines The Big Takeover, Dumb Angel Gazette, Roctober, Scram and Ugly Things: Dear Amoeba, We the undersigned, the editors of five of the most long-lived and...
Wednesday, Apr. 5
We may never know if it was a missile, a flare or something else that the pilot of American Airlines flight 612 saw come up from the sea after takeoff...
NewsFactor Magazine has some pretty narrow (or is that snooty?) requirements for the editor job it posted on Mediabistro. You have to live in or near Woodland Hills, but don't...
Poking around the KNBC website I came across a story and videos about the coming launch of News Raw, "a new concept in news programming" that will let viewers watch...
The Times' website was choking on today's stories when I put together the Morning Buzz. Here's what I would have picked up had the site been working: ♦ Dodgers pitcher...
Some Pellicano news, the start of the Dowie-Stodder trial, a new blogger on the City Council and of course so much more—including a farewell in the Daily News newsroom, a...
For some Americans upset over illegal immigration it really is about respect for the law. And for some it's really about brown people (or a byline that suggests ethnicity.) Daily...
Tuesday, Apr. 4
There are now 178 city-recognized communities in Los Angeles—at least thirty-six of them in the Valley, one more if you count Cahuenga Pass. Community is a loose term here though,...
♦ David Poland of Movie City News takes 1,400 words to explain why his column The Hot Button is going down to three days a week. It's all about the...
Those red-light cameras at sixteen Los Angeles intersections that were switched off because the evidence they provide was shaky are going to be turned back on—and another sixteen locations will...
For months the leadership of City Hall's Engineers and Architects Association has been chasing Mayor Villaraigosa around the city—literally. They show up to disrupt his events and media appearances. Today,...
Joseph Wambaugh was (I think) the original LAPD detective to turn novelist. He's certainly the biggest. His books set in and around the department—beginning in 1970 with The New...
If you are heading into the Civic Center this morning, plan on encountering traffic for the funeral of murdered Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy Maria Cecilia Rosa. To accommodate law...
The Bruins settle for No. 2...wireless at LAX if you can afford it...pat on the back for Brad Grey...a doctorate for Villaraigosa...John Stodder addresses his blog audience...plus Cheryl Tiegs, Donna...
Monday, Apr. 3
Derek Lowe started the Dodgers opener today and kinda bombed—he gave up eight runs in five innings. Either before or after the game, he also probably got word that revelations...
♦ Deputy City Controller Ruben Gonzalez is leaving Laura Chick's staff after four years to be a vice president at Englander and Associates, the lobbying firm headed by Harvey Englander. Gonzalez...
Word on the street is that Seth Lubove is leaving the Los Angeles bureau of Forbes (after a lengthy stint there) to take over as L.A. bureau chief for Bloomberg...
Garrison Frost at The Aesthetic thinks that, contrary to popular lore, we are pretty good behind the wheel when the pavement is wet. As we know, when something is repeated...
USC journalism students fanned out across Los Angeles and Orange Counties and asked 1,100 people if the Angels' decision to drop Anaheim from the name mattered. For most, it doesn't....
OK, so it's like this. It's Opening Day and if it doesn't rain too hard I'll be on assignment most of the afternoon in the Elysian Park bureau. Most of...
If you're just getting back to work after some time away, here's a little of what you missed... L.A. Times edict: shorter stories, please Student protests spill onto freeways and...
Sunday, Apr. 2
♦ TV Week here in Los Angeles reports based on sources that Katie Couric's move to CBS News is completed in principle and that an announcement that she is leaving NBC's...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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