Stuck in traffic, the mind tends to wander...

My goal is to stop at 3 bookstores on my drive today and end up at my 4th, Book Soup, tonight at 7. Of course, I’ve hit some traffic, setting me behind schedule. But in this traffic, my Chrysler Sebring rental car has given me a chance to reflect on what is, for me, the nature of the name Sebring: Jay Sebring, who was killed with Sharon Tate in the Manson murders. His girlfriend was heir to the Folger coffee fortune — and I think she was also killed that night. Anyway, besides reminding me of mass murder, my Sebring and its current tank of gas will take me a little bit beyond where Mission San Miguel is on the 101, and then I will combine a pit stop with a refreshment break.
Are they nervous at Book Soup yet? He's due in West Hollywood at 7 pm: