Weekly archive
March 19 - March 25, 2006

Saturday, Mar. 25
♦ Saturday's downtown protest march against the Sensenbrenner bill to criminalize giving aid or jobs to illegal immigrants was really big. The LAPD, usually conservative on these things, estimated the crowd...
Friday, Mar. 24
The Dodgers let last year's most productive first baseman, Hee Seop Choi, go on waivers to the Boston Red Sox. He figures to play more there than he would have...
♦ Former West Basin Municipal Water District board member R. Keith McDonald, convicted on ten felony counts of corruption, has asked to delay prison so he can care for his ailing...
From the wonderful world of magazines... Vogue loves Suzanne: Lucques chef Suzanne Goin gets star treatment from Sally Singer in the April issue of Vogue, as much for her style...
We've all seen that parking spaces have been shrinking as cars and SUV's get bigger, making parking lots tighter and creating conflicts all over town. It's no accident. Developers have...
City bureaucrats in San Pedro learned a valuable lesson: you don't yank out eighty-year-old street trees in Los Angeles, even sick ones, without somebody noticing and caring. The Breeze reports:...
Andy Spahn, the head of corporate affairs at DreamWorks and political consigliere to Messrs. Geffen, Spielberg and Katzenberg, is heading out on his own. Well, he won't exactly be alone....
Santa Monica's other side of the tracks...getting serious about L.A.'s homeless...retraction city at the Daily News...plus the Undie Run, some new Ansel Adams photos, blogging my USC panel and a...
Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy Pierre Bain died Thursday when his traffic motorcycle crashed during a pursuit in Lancaster. Bain is survived by a wife and three teenage daughters from...
Thursday, Mar. 23
Down by nine with three minutes to go? Never led in the game? No problem. Just score the last eleven points. UCLA 73, Gonzaga 71 Bruins play Memphis in the...
From the City News Service wire: Eds: At 3:30 p.m., Andrew Ahlering, a candidate for the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, will hold a news conference to discuss his...
NBC Universal hired Thomas Properties Group to re-start the process of developing the studio's backlot into homes, offices, stores and production facilities. "Sooner or later, it's going to get developed,"...
In the past year or so the Los Angeles Times newsroom has seen the creation of the Image Team, the Demographics desk and the Sense of Place team. Yet another...
Taking another look at an old murder of a local politician. Is it the Aqua Line, the Cardinal Line or the tan line? Adios to the chief of neighborhood empowerment....
Wednesday, Mar. 22
John Daniszewski is going to Associated Press as International Editor. Romenesko has the memos from AP and the Times....
The Smoking Gun is all over Utah Jazz forward Carlos Boozer's lawsuit against Prince over unauthorized "work" the performer allegedly did on the 10-bedroom, 11-bath West Hollywood estate he rented...
Every Los Angeles political story has a backstory. At his blog, John Stodder takes off from the recent news about Sunshine Canyon landfill to reconstruct how, when he was the...
Parking at the Burbank airport is seriously short. The airport's website is advising people to take a cab or share a ride, and stories in today's Daily News and Glendale...
From today's Los Angeles Times Food section: An article in last week's Food section said an invitation-only "Secret Restaurant" event in Los Angeles would be open to the public and...
Gustavo Arellano at the OC Weekly's blog gets in the face of "Chicano yaktivists" (his term) who are attacking Daniel Hernandez of the sister LA Weekly for his hard-hitting story...
Turn the page for items on Dean Singleton's California strategy, Sheriff Baca's Compton strategy, a Saudi prince gets booed at Town Hall Los Angeles, celebrities at the fashion shows and...
Tuesday, Mar. 21
Andy Murray was fired tonight as coach of the Los Angeles Kings. Assistant John Van Boxmeer goes too. The hockey team will introduce interim coach John Torchetti at a press...
Midnight on the Wednesday of finals week is the traditional hour for UCLA students to strip to their underwear and run through a few blocks of Westwood (if four years...
Sunday's Washington Post Travel section proclaimed the Leimert Park neighborhood "one of the country's last strongholds of old-style African American culture and activism, with the happening ethnic flavor of Washington's...
Marco Firebaugh, a Democratic candidate for the state Senate in the 30th district of southeast Los Angeles County, died this morning or last night. Liver illness is reportedly the cause....
Redesign of the Bakersfield Californian is critiqued pro and con at Newsdesigners.com, and apparently has begun to move the needle on circulation....
Orange County Register columnist Mayrav Saar writes in the paper today about what she gets from posting at Big Action!, a group blog whose writers include Leslie Gornstein (E! Online's...
Light lineup this morning, with a little Schwarzenegger, a touch of Pellicano, a bit of Condi Rice and a smattering of Jim Hahn. And of course, links to all the...
Architect Welton Becket's low-slung, ranch-style house at the southeast corner of Wilshire and Highland has changed hands. For sale signs have been replaced by fence banners for the Korean-oriented Western...
Monday, Mar. 20
♦ New indictment coming in Pellicano case in early April, prosecutor says. ♦ Funny how the fate of Knight-Ridder's Northern California newspapers could be settled by either Ron Burkle or fellow L.A....
New York mayor Michael Bloomberg stepped before the cameras today at P.S. 282 in Brooklyn and introduced Antonio Villaraigosa as Alcalde Veea-ga-rosa, before correcting his pronunciation (and switching, mercifully, to...
How many people do you think get taken to hospitals in Los Angeles Fire Department ambulances every day? 50? 100? 300? A thousand? I would have guessed about a hundred...
The Valley Industry and Commerce Association, arguably the most influential advocacy group for the Valley, this morning named Brendan Huffman its new president. Huffman is currently the director of public...
After a twelve-year run the Thursday afternoon Westwood Village farmers market has been told to leave. Construction on the giant Palazzo Westwood development makes the area too unsafe for market...
Political consultant Matt Szabo blogs that today's retirement announcement by NFL commissioner Paul Tagliabue raises questions about the fate of Los Angeles' drive to get a pro football team in...
In the wake of the recent Los Angeles Times series spotlighting questions about the union, the United Farm Workers has posted an ad on Monster.com looking for a new director...
I just caught up to the official KTLA blogs written by four of the station's top news anchors. In theory they represent an admirable step in connecting the talking heads...
RAND, the Santa Monica think tank, debuted a new Foreign Policy Roundtable series targeting leaders of the entertainment and media communities. Friday night's gathering at the Bel-Air home of Kenneth...
Anthony Pellicano will go into court today and ask for an expedited trial, possibly foregoing the use of a federal public defender, journalist Ross Johnson reports. Family members tell Johnson...
Turn the page for Orlov's return...how Heidi Fleiss got bugged and screwed...a new lead Tinseltown Spywitness...Huffington's mea culpa...political theater downtown...and the return of Fashion Week. Those items and a lot...
Most talked-about posts from the past week at LA Observed, including a few exclusives... Exclusive blog coverage of the Los Angeles Political Roast. Patt Morrison new host of "Talk of...
Sunday, Mar. 19
♦ The Daily News talks up public financing of city election campaigns, but ethics commissioner Bill Boyarsky—who proposed it—writes in the LAT that he's getting tired of wasting his time: "I...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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