Weekly archive
February 26 - March 4, 2006

Saturday, Mar. 4
Reporter Chris Ayres of the Times of London was on Mulholland Drive when he got to experience another Los Angeles rite of passage. After four years of broken speed limits,...
Maria Elena Durazo was chosen to head the County Federation of Labor, just ten months after her husband, Miguel Contreras, died while serving in the post. From the Times: Durazo,...
The LA Weekly has created another new blog, "Nikki Finke's Deadline Hollywood Daily." The kickoff post announces that she will be live-blogging the Oscars on Sunday: Come for the Cynicism...
Ann Powers is the new chief pop music critic for the Los Angeles Times. The former pop critic for the New York Times and editor at the Village Voice lives...
Thursday, Mar. 2
If nothing else, Christopher Arellano has found a way to deflect scrutiny from the $200,000 he has taken from UTLA. But the Times and Daily News miss a big chunk...
Two more developments on the ethics front involving Channel 5: Channel Island, the Los Angeles Times TV blog, reports that Morning News anchor Michaela Pereira "received a customized dining-room makeover...
KPCC's Adolfo Guzman Lopez aired a late Thursday update reporting that Board of Education candidate Chris Arellano has fudged his campaign claims of multiple college degrees from USC and UCLA....
Mr. Kipen goes to West Hollywood... Because I made up a little time on the way to L.A., and because it was just a few blocks from Book Soup, I...
Technical issues delayed my posting of Mr. Kipen's final dispatches from his drive through California. Here is the penultimate feed, a musing on the the undervaluing of screenwriters and a...
The Times moved quickly to fill the job vacated recently by Alice Short. But now they need a new media editor: To: The Staff From: John Montorio, Associate Editor Lennie...
Closing in on L.A... I’m now in the central valley of California, the bread basket, passing some flowering pear trees. It's cloudy but in the distance the coastal range has...
At the scene of that Ferrari Enzo disintegration last week in Malibu, two men showed up, flashed ID to onlookers and claimed to be "Homeland Security" officers from the San...
Stuck in traffic, the mind tends to wander... I’m now in Morgan Hill, which used to be a wide spot in the road on El Camino Real (now 101) but...
During the opening of "Talk of the City" on KPCC at 2 pm, Kitty Felde urged listeners to stick around to the end: "As promised, we will have a very...
Kipen enjoys his time at Stanford, but feels a little deadline pressure... I got back on El Camino Real after Kepler’s and before I knew it I was in Palo...
La Opinión reported today that Christopher Arellano, the labor candidate in the East Side school board race, was convicted of robbing a Pioneer Market in 1992, then had a second...
A lot of people in California and Los Angeles politics know John Balzar, the Times' former political writer, columnist and Sacramento correspondent. He has written most recently for the paper's...
One thing is clear from Bill Plaschke's LAT column today where Dodgers pitcher Derek Lowe finally talks about his personal turmoil last season: the beat writers at Dodger Stadium missed...
In which the intrepid critic-author-rookie book tourist pushes on toward L.A... Mission accomplished! Kepler’s was very nice. I managed to find a loading dock where I could park for 15...
Bill Dwyre is vacating the post of Los Angeles Times Sports Editor after 25 years and being succeeded by one of his former writers and columnists. Randy Harvey most recently...
The former books editor of the San Francisco Chronicle is driving south to appear tonight at Book Soup. He blogs from the road: I’m driving south on Highway 101 toward...
James Gilden writes The Daily Traveler blog at LATimes.com, but being a Tribune cousin didn't inhibit him from taking a fair shot at the Channel 5 "Morning News" anchors who...
Stephen Burgard was an editorial writer in the Los Angeles Times Orange County edition and now is director of the journalism program at Northeastern University. He emails: A few thoughts...
Villaraigosa warns of red ink and loves Crash...Jim Hahn gets $800 million to play with...Martin Ludlow and Octavia Butler are remembered in much different ways...big meeting today at Yahoo in...
Even the Director of Literature at the National Endowment for the Arts has to hit the road if he wants to sell books. And it is Oscar week, after all....
Wednesday, Mar. 1
There will be more raw emotion on the ice than usual when the Trojans and Bruins meet on Friday for the Crosstown Cup hockey tournament at Toyota Sports Center in...
Tomorrow is the last Talk of the City on KPCC with Kitty Felde as the live host. She was removed by program director Craig Curtis and has been offered a...
⇒ Mayor Villaraigosa told a press conference that he agrees with Cardinal Roger Mahony that churches should not be called upon to enforce federal immigration laws. Mahony followed up his...
San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom flew into L.A. last weekend to spend some time with new actress-squeeze Sofia Milos and take in the annual dinner for Scientology's Citizens Commission for...
Federal prosecutors told a judge today that at least one new indictment in the Anthony Pellicano case is likely before April 18. Thirteen people have already been charged. Pellicano was...
Patt Morrison writes in today's Los Angeles Times on her former publisher Otis Chandler: In his person, Otis stitched together two ideas as dissonant as Valvoline and Sparkletts: a believer...
A Santa Monica High School student described only as "a popular tenth grader" was shot and killed last night on Pico Boulevard, prompting counselors to speak to classes this morning,...
Cardinal Mahony takes on the anti-immigrant crowd...Yvonne Burke makes it more or less official...the juvenile jails are in an uproar now...KTLA defends its anchors taking freebies...and surprise endorsements in the...
If you want to cut down a Southern California black walnut, Western sycamore, California bay or any oak tree in your backyard, you'll have to get a permit and plant...
Tuesday, Feb. 28
Dennis McDougal, author of Privileged Son: Otis Chandler and the Rise and Fall of the LA Times Dynasty, gave a lecture on his subject and former publisher at the Los...
Sam Lanni, the owner of Safari Sam's, has gone public with a rant about City Hall bleeding him dry before he can open his long-awaited club on Sunset Boulevard in...
Alice Short, editor of the daily Calendar and Thursday Weekend Calendar sections at the Los Angeles Times, is moving off the features floor and upstairs to the third floor newsroom....
Channels 2 and 9 are out with a discovery by David Goldstein that carbon monoxide levels are high at several Southern California ice rinks. Propane-powered ice resurfacers—some made by the...
People care about this stuff and write in. Today several readers noticed that the Times got two names wrong in the Eddie Nalbandian obituary in this morning's paper. The early...
Variety has hired Monica Corcoran away from In Style's Los Angeles bureau to replace Ginny Chien as style editor, today's Women's Wear Daily says. Corcoran becomes part of the lifestyle...
Why the Los Angeles Times may be getting some new window blinds, blog reaction to the death of Otis Chandler, Channel 5's anchors accept a free night at a swanky...
Monday, Feb. 27
⇒ USC Annenberg awarded the Selden Ring investigative reporting prize to the Washington Post for stories on Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Copley News Service reporters Marcus A. Stern and Jerry...
What is it the last couple of days? Add actor Dennis Weaver to the list of newly passed. Also, John Rabe did a piece today on KPCC about Eddie (Zachary...
Tomorrow's printed Los Angeles Times obituary on Otis Chandler will run over five to six pages and be one of the longest the paper has published. It is now online...
Channel 5 is promoing up close and personal time with Corina Villaraigosa on tonight's Prime News at 10 pm. They call it the first prolonged TV interview she has given...
OK the hed's kind of a joke, but it is supposed to rain hard starting today. Channel 4's website links to the NWS flood and high-wind watches. Two to four...
A suspicious backpack or duffel bag in the parking lot at the El Monte station has closed down that leg of Metrolink. A bomb squad robot is poking at the...
The last family publisher of the Los Angeles Times died this morning at home in Ojai at age 78. Otis Chandler had suffered from a degenerative condition known as Lewy...
Going to New York to evaluate the mayor's school takeover plan, popping the algebra question, Hollywood Hell Week begins, Stacey Snider makes the downward leap—plus The Ointment, tweaking the Trojans,...
Sunday, Feb. 26
Last week was a good one for LA Observed scoops. Here are some talked-about posts from the past seven days: Ensign Eric Garcetti, U.S. Naval Reserve Times and UFW go...
Author Steven Barnes is reporting on his blog (picked up by Boing Boing, where Cory Doctorow calls the news confirmed) that Octavia Butler has died in Seattle following a fall...
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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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Jenny Burman
Before I lived in Echo Park, there was a tiny 1920s bungalow-cottage-standalone house on N. Occidental in Silver Lake. I...
Here in Malibu
I don't know why it's taking me so long to choose the new platform for this blog. Well, that's not...

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